“This can a ski trip be expensive if you hurt yourself”

“Check your travel insurance in Eastern europe”

“keep an eye on your travel insurance if you are going on a skiing holiday in Eastern europe. nSkenande hospital bills can erode sharply in the contributions into holiday pay funds if you should need medical care. n– Clinics överfakturerar with the astronomical amount, ” says Karin Tranberg, head of division at SOS International.”

“For many swedes is to Sweden, Norway and resorts around the alps classic destinations when it’sa ski trips. But in recent years, many eastern ski resorts emerged as popular and affordable destinations, including Poiana Brasov in Romania and Kopaonik in Serbia.”

“Prices in Eastern europe are a bit kinder to our wallets, but according to SOS International keeps the healthcare in these countries is not the same efficiency and drive. “

“– more generally, one can say that the public hospitals in Eastern europe have low quality. Medically, they are good, but when it comes to equipment and general facilities, the standard is low. The problem is greatest when one gets outside the major cities. In the big cities, the standard is rising, but it is low outside the major cities, where many skidsportanläggningar is, ” says Karin Tranberg.”

“The blue health insurance card valid in public hospitals in the countries which are members of the EU. In Poland, the Czech republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Slovenia.nadd it does not apply in the Balkans, in Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia. “

“According to the SOS International överfakturerar clinics in many of its countries with the large amount of money.”

“– There are clinics that överfakturerar with astronomical amounts. A single clinic in Spindleruv Mlyn in the Czech republic, for example, 5-700 times as much for reading as they do in Prague. It can be very difficult to discover the prices of treatment, because the language barriers are great, ” says Karin Tranberg, and points out that the majority of countries in the Balkans are characterised by an extensive bureaucracy with a lack of transparency. “

“– As a traveler, one should familiarize themselves with the conditions you travel down to, so that you are prepared if you fall ill or hurt themselves.”

“the ski Resorts that are gaining in popularity.”