MALLORCA (Dagbladet): – I want to say that I was a little “off” throughout the day, tells the Chinese Olsen Vedelden (24).

As the youngest “master leaderboard”-the participant ever, the former cheerleaderen delivered strong performances in this year’s season. The story, however, has shown that things turn quickly in the Radio realitysuksess. From to be temavinner last week, ended up Olsen Vedelden at the bottom of the sammenlagtlista in the evening.

After having chosen the former skiskytter Lars Berger (39) as the opponent in the nattesten, she was the field in the second round. The 24-year-old tells us that she had experienced a short circuit already hours in advance.

shortcomings: Chinese Olsen Vedelden decided to take Lars Berger in nattest. Where stuck the latter with the victory. Photo: NRK / Screenshot View more

I had a hope that we would compete in bakkeløp or carry stones, but instead we should count the lemons and play bocce. It was simply not my day, ” states she.

Bad attitude

the Weekly theme was focus and precision. A long opptaksdag, combined with mentally demanding exercises under the blazing Majorcan sun, made it almost impossible to keep a cool head.

Under boccia-the event is tv-viewers witness Karina Hollekim (42) takes Vedelden Olsen. It results in an intense moment, but the occasion will not just clear up on tv.

Iran was, as she herself says, a real vrangpeis, and that’s why I’m tough in the face to her. It was a real mental ørefik, ” says Hollekim lattermildt.

PEPTALK: Karina Hollekim (42) and Iran Olsen Vedelden were good friends in the course of the recording. During the last exercise in tonight’s episode, got tv viewers are served an intense tv-moment. Photo: NRK / Screenshot View more

Facing the Newspaper acknowledges the 24-year-old, who had a close relationship to the above, through participation, that she had put something on her legs.

– I went unfortunately with a slightly bad attitude that day. I never managed to get in the zone, and was really early, aware that I had in nattest.

Smiled on tv. The truth was a completely different: – I burst into tears

Already in the first exercise started the dominoes to fall. The former cheerleaderen struggled more and more to keep the focus, which in turn led to frustration. The schedule consists of more than that which appears on tv, is no secret.

I felt that I had a bad time between the three exercises and nattesten. I was really quite crooked to have to do. You should talk with five different cameras, eat dinner, and pack, in addition to that I was a bit miffed over the results of my in the competition. It was simply a “everything is wrong”-day.

– Not bitter

From the previously, Ole Martin Årst and Ann Kristin Flatland have to submit the “Mesternes”-jersey. Olsen Vedelden are thus again on a sjuendeplass.

– I got as deserved, and is not bitter for the outcome. It was simply not my day. I would like to shown more muscle in the competition, but all in all I’m reasonably satisfied with their own efforts.

– do you Regret that you didn’t give more?

– No, I felt that I had nothing more to fetch. At the same time, there has been a completely wonderful stay. It is the gøyeste I’ve ever done, and I have received so many good friends. I appreciate very pleased at the opportunity.

RELATED STRONG TIES: Chinese Olsen Vedelden has among other things featured realitykonkurrent Karina Hollekim (t.v.) as their biggest role model. After turnout, consider the duo as friends. Here are the two pictured together with Ann Kristin Flatland, who had to leave the competition first. Photo: John T. Pedersen / Dagbladet Show Was more the girlfriend with the competitor

And good friends is not the only Olsen Vedelden are left with after “Mesternes”-participation. Recently, it was well known that there was the romance between 24-year-old and realitykollega Tom Hilde (31) during the recording.

– Yes, we are girlfriends, and have it very well together, confirmed the two opposite See and Hear.

the Case continues under:

“master leaderboard”profiles reveal romance

The former cheerleaderen made himself well-known as active athlete, but is also known to be dattera to Egil Drillo Olsen (76) – one of the Norwegian fotballhistories biggest.

Dagbladet Olsen Vedelden previously told that it has not always been as easy to get out of daddy’s shadow.

Dattera to Drillo: – I spit on Sir Alex Ferguson

There was always a little awkward growing up. Because daddy is a public profile, so do people believe that they can say or ask for what they want. For example, if I am in a social setting, where I meet new who find that I am dattera his … When they start feel free to Google because they will check it one or the other, then take it up with me. I don’t think anyone believes it hurt, and I understand that people are curious. But it may be uncomfortable, she said.

the 24-year-old first went in dad’s footsteps – as she discovered cheerleading.

I played soccer when I was smaller. As I grew older and engaged in various sports, it came to a point where I felt that I had to choose. I have a perception that you get a kind of calling when it comes to sports. When you first notice it you will drive with, there is no doubt: For me, it was cheerleading, she told the.

– It was completely for the fucking