“Thousands affected by power outages during the storm, Mats”
“Several thousand households have been affected by power outages associated with the severe storm which has been going on in the north during the evening. “
“– It is the harsh winds that is the cause, ” says Magnus Cruiser on the Waterfall. “
“During the afternoon and evening the storm Mats ravaged the country’s northern parts and in the eight county SMHI has issued class 2 warnings.”
“– It has started to blow a part. It’s almost winds in several parts of central Norrland, around 23 -24 mu002Fs in the villages, ” said Per Holmberg, a meteorologist at Foreca, earlier in the evening.”
“SMHI has registered the vindsstyrkor of up to 22 mu002Fs in the north of Ångermanland, Jämtland and southern Lapland. “
“Both the police and the Swedish transport administration warned during the day the general public to get out in traffic. The transport department has not had any serious incidents reported, but says that there have been some fallen trees on the roads. “
“During the storm also has several northern households affected by the power outage.”
“the Waterfall currently has 13 ongoing interruptions and 2.583 affected customers. “
“– It depends on the storm and fierce wind, it is huvudbedömningen. It is the tree which has fallen and lies against the wires. We have people out in the field working with this now, ” says Magnus Cruiser, presstalesperson on the Waterfall. “
“The first error came in to the Waterfall at 18 and so far there is no forecast for when the problems can be remedied. “
“According to TT it is right now a total of around 4,000 households affected by the power cuts of the EON, Vattenfall and Skellefteåkraft. “