“Thousands remained without electricity in California,”
“At 03 o’clock on Wednesday morning, missing more than 2 400 customers in the areas in and around Skurup, Trelleborg continued electricity, says the Eon.”
“We are on time and the laws of the substation,” says Johan Aspegren, head of media relations at Eon, at 03-time and adds to the forecast that virtually all should have been given back the power before 08 o’clock on Wednesday morning is left.”
“the Power was out at a quarter past seven on Tuesday evening after a fire in a substation in Östra Klagstorp. More than 5 300 were to be without power during the evening, and almost as many had the voltage too high.”
“the Eon stated that the electronics in the home of some of the subscribers may be broken as a consequence of the high excitement that was sent out.”
“– We will in the day to put up two information centres in the area, where customers can get help with any compensation, ” said Johan Aspegren.”