“The Swedish ornithological association”

“Time to count all our birds – again”

“Four great tits, a sidensvans, two lapwings and of course it was a robins over there…?you the days go by we came out into the streets to count the birds. n the 13th year implemented the national bird survey ”Vinterfåglar Around the corner”.”

“Back is now a popular movement and the last weekend in January is the time of year’s great census of birds. Sweden’s Ornithological society, want us for four days counting all the birds that visit bird feeders and other bird feeding stations in the country. “

“national bird survey carried out for the 13th time. In recent years, around 20 000 Swedish households participated in the count and reported the results. “

“the Swedish Ornithological Association expects close to 500 000 households feed the birds every winter, and they are continuously becoming more.”

“anyone who feeds the birds; calls, therefore, try to count the birds that visit ”the set tables” the last weekend in January. The data are reported to BirdLife Sweden (Sveriges Ornitologiska Förening), which compiles them. “

“the Bill is going on 26-29 January. That the bill is going on both Friday and Monday means that the kindergartens, schools and workplaces can participate.”

“Via ”Vinterfåglar Around the corner”, the Swedish Ornithological Association in a huge amount of material from all over the country. Each year is then presented to a national leaderboard and also regional leaderboards. “

“With the exception that the talgoxen always tops the national list, vary the order between the birds a lot because of the weather and snow conditions. Bill has contributed to many valuable new knowledge about our vinterfåglar and the conditions that affect their lives.”

“Already on Sunday, 28 January will be preliminary results from this year’s bill.”