British dachshund Lana rushed self using a firm grip towards himself significantly larger deer.Hero dachshund saves family bear’s clutches.
Small Lana-dachshund gold rush in the deer herd toward amuse on social media. The dog’s owner has released a Instagram video of Lana ryntäilystä deer after Richmond Park.
the strap out of the been Lana rushed to the right with a straight face towards himself considerably bigger deer without fear. The deer, instead they are scared of strapping young little dog and went rushing to beat Lana in tow.
Lana left the deer behind to listen to their owners commands. Finally doggie, however, turned back.
the little dog’s courage and ”exploits” is the mood in social media.
– He thinks he’s a shepherd, one of the comments to write sydänemojien with.
Small but powerful, in comments loruilu.
– a Clever little piece of cake, doggie praise.
the Mirror is interviewed in the Richmond Park manager Simon Richards of the event. The man recalls that innocuous impressive situation could lead to an accident. Panic in the deer would have been able to go play on the highway and cause wrecks.
Deer are afraid of dogs, whether they are of any size. You have to remember that the wild deer are strong, and their movements can not be predicted. The dog owner put the actions of both himself and the dog in danger.
Dachshunds are used in particular underground in the hunt. Stock. AOP