Dwight York now adult victims to report their experience of the horrors. Dwight York the victims are getting younger changing constantly. Stock. Carina Appel

to perform the process of the 135-year prison sentence in the USA. People Magazine Investigates: Cults -in the program today, what kind of crimes he very punishment received.

One major reason was the sexual exploitation of children. The male victim in his establishment of The Nuwaubian Nation of Moors cult members, i.e. nuwaubinistien, children.

the Movement was nationalist, islamist and anthropological trends, and it was also known as ufouskonto.

York had a personal harem, including male members ‘ wives and young women, some of which were minors. One wife was Ruby Rieley , which tells the story. There’s also 18 years in a cult with his mother belonged to the Niki Lopez , which York took advantage of since this was a 13-year-old.

– One of york’s wives said to me, that the York give me sex education.

– in the End York had taken my virginity by raping me. I was 15 years old.

York was significantly younger than the victims, of which the smaller ones were 5 years old. He confessed later, child victims was a 74.

Before Dwight york’s cult of the arrival of Eatonton was a quiet country town. Stock. All Over Press

In 1993, York moved kulttinsa New York Georgia Putneyssa located in Eatonton. He wanted to establish there own nation Tama-Ren, which was built in egypt egyptian pyramid with the temple and its sfinkseineen. Just eatonton in York dastardly acts began to reveal in its entirety. The FBI taken york’s investigation as a target soon after, when local authorities were reported alarmingly young pregnant women and girls.

People Magazine Investigates: Cults today friin at 21.00.