Judy and Will Webb died side by side.
American couples Judy and Will Webb died the same day. 77-year-old Will die first. A few hours after the death of Judy Webb, 77.
Web met each other for the first time in more than 50 years ago. The couple spent their life together. The marriage lasted 56 years. Web, you had three children.
the Daughter, according to the parents they did everything together. MOSTPHOTOS
Webbien daughter Siobhan Webb told WXYZ-site the couple have been together to the end. In death they hold each other’s hand.
the web you get sick at the same time. First fever spike got Judy, then Will. Couple of beds pushed together, so they could support each other in his last moments.
she didn’t want to live without her, Siobhan tells the News-with the herald.
I Know it sounds crazy, but people can die särkyvään heart and that’s exactly what happened to my father.
the couple buried in the same grave as family and friends amidst.