Contrary to macroeconomic indicators, the French intend to take advantage of their summer holidays. Almost three-quarters of them – 73% – say they will go on vacation between June and September 2023, according to a survey by Atout France and ADN Tourisme. “We will certainly exceed this year the activity records recorded in 2019”, welcomed Olivia Grégoire, in charge of tourism within the government.

If the minister declares herself “dissatisfied” that 27% of French people do not intend to go on vacation this summer, the sector could have expected much more in view of the inflation rates which have been eating away at the purchasing power. “The summer holidays are a particularly dear time for the French,” explained the general manager of Atout France, Caroline Leboucher. Olivia Grégoire for her part declared that “holidays are sacred by the French”, believing that they “will perhaps leave less far, perhaps less long, but (that) they will leave”.

The study published on Wednesday indicates that 59% of French people plan to leave for “a long stay” this summer, slightly more than last year. On average, their vacation should span a period of 11 days. As far as destinations are concerned, France remains this year even more popular with the French than internationally. Just over 40% will go to the coast, 11% to the mountains, 21% to the countryside, while 8% will prefer roaming – a trend that is on the rise as it gains 3 points in intentions starting point compared to 2022.

The tourism sector will also be able to count between June and September on the international clientele which is well and truly back. At the top of the countries whose inhabitants most favor France as a destination for their holidays are Belgium, the United Kingdom and, above all, the United States. “The Americans have made it possible to compensate for the fall in Russian and Chinese visitors”, indicates the entourage of Olivia Grégoire. The opening of new air rotations between China and Paris should make it possible to attract Chinese customers in the same proportions, or almost, as before the health crisis. Tourism stakeholders report that 38% of Chinese tourists who plan to go abroad wish to prioritize a stay in France in the next six months.

Next September will be marked by the launch of the Rugby World Cup, inaugurating a cycle of major international events in France from which the tourism sector should greatly benefit. “Barring a major climatic or geopolitical event, the figure of 58 billion in revenue for the sector last year should be exceeded this year,” said Caroline Leboucher.