The best of the web-A nice christmas is to purchase. Garden centres are overflowing with lights, balls and of course material. The Dutch chain Intratuin that are also active in our country, asks 5 euros for two pine cones. ‘Wááát?!?’

On the social media, people are in a dent to the silliness in the garden center. In the forest, you’ll stumble this season, after all, about the fallen pine cones.

The text of Intratuin has done his best to make something out of it, even though he forgets the between-n in pine cone: “The denneappels maritima of Intratuin be cheerful, decorative and with a little nepsneeuw quickly in wintry atmosphere. The denneappels can easily be used in a kerststuk or as a decoration on a christmas wreath. Available in different colors or just natural. There is something for everyone.’ The same text, we find also on the Belgian site back again, if the price is lower: for 2.49, you can buy them in one of the four Flemish branches of Intratuin.

as well as a lot of entertainment to the malligheid in the garden centres, there is also annoyance. The pine cones are in the Netherlands and Belgium, and sold in an environmentally unfriendly plastic box.