
The latest cycle of the game show The Allies reached its climax last night with a finale. The contestants Rick and Robert competed for a prize of 100,000 euros. However, the finale took an unexpected turn, partly due to a surprising decision from contestant Wendy.

In The Allies, contestants live together in a house and participate in various games against each other. While their interactions already provide plenty of drama, controversy, and entertainment, they also compete in different challenges. Every month, a finale takes place where two contestants compete for the grand prize. Metro interviewed the first participants who entered the Flevoland warehouse last fall.

This time, it was contestants Robert and Rick who made it to the final round. Robert is an experienced participant in The Allies who has won many games. In the final, the two had to compete in various challenges against each other, including a geography task, current events quiz, building a tower, and tossing bean bags into a hole. The participants receive codes for winning each challenge. Rick obtained two codes, while Robert got eight. This means that Robert performed significantly better during the challenges and had an 80% chance of winning the 100,000 euros.

However, when the two contestants were allowed to open their safes with the codes, it was Rick, despite having fewer codes, who managed to open the safe. This came as a huge disappointment to Robert. Even when he told his family that he didn’t win the prize, Robert, known for enjoying a bit of drama or controversy, received sympathy from many participants and viewers.

Viewers were left surprised by the twist

After each cycle, a number of contestants leave the program, including the winner, the eliminated loser, and sometimes participants who voluntarily exit the show. Earlier, contestants Serena and Wendy cleverly voted their ally Erik off the show. Wendy turned out to be the mastermind behind this tactic, motivated by Erik and his teammate Max snooping through her belongings. Wendy was furious and orchestrated a cunning elimination for Erik.

However, yesterday, Wendy announced that she was voluntarily leaving the program, despite being behind Erik’s elimination earlier. This decision did not sit well with some players, as Erik did not necessarily have to leave. Wendy had been planning her revengeful move all along. While many considered Wendy’s action to be clever, some Allies were also impressed by her unexpected decision. The plot twist took many contestants and viewers by surprise.

You can watch The Allies on KIJK

In addition to the unexpected turn of events in the finale, viewers were left reflecting on the actions of the contestants and the dynamics within the game. The emotional responses from the participants and the audience added layers to the storyline, making the finale even more compelling. The element of unpredictability in the game kept viewers engaged and eager to see what would happen next. The combination of strategic gameplay, personal vendettas, and emotional moments made this finale a memorable one for fans of The Allies.

As the competition heats up and alliances are tested, the next cycle of The Allies promises even more drama, twists, and surprises. Viewers will have to tune in to see how the remaining contestants navigate the challenges and relationships within the game. With tensions running high and stakes getting higher, the future episodes of The Allies are sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Stay tuned for more excitement, betrayal, and unexpected moments in the next cycle of The Allies!