Time is running out for Valdunes, the last French manufacturer of train wheels and axles, in difficulty. Its owner, the Chinese MA Steel, has just set a deadline for the seven potential buyers to submit a firm offer: October 15. Failing that, MA Steel plans to file for bankruptcy at the end of October. “This scenario is very likely,” we explain to the office of Roland Lescure, Minister for Industry. Subject to the cash flow level of Valdunes, which is already under pressure, we should enter into a judicial recovery procedure. The objective is to find a buyer, with a solid industrial project, by the end of the year.”

The deadline set by MA Steel for an in bonis recovery is too tight. The preparatory work for the sale of Valdunes has not been completed. Mandated by the Ministry of Industry, the Grant Thornton firm must build an industrial project and quantify the investments necessary for the revival of Valdunes; PwC must map the company’s potential markets.

Roland Lescure increased the number of meetings, meeting again Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT. The minister wants to involve all stakeholders in order to facilitate a return to court. He plans to bring together, before the end of the month, staff representatives from Valdunes, the CGT, Xavier Bertrand, president of the Hauts-de-France region, the SNCF and Alstom. Objective? “See in particular how the two companies can get involved,” says the minister’s office. At a minimum, Alstom and SNCF can act as current customers of Valdunes.” In short: place more orders. Alstom, of which the State holds 7.5%, only represents 10% of Valdunes’ activity.