The bill aimed at transposing the agreement between employers and unions to generalize the sharing of company profits to employees will be presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, announced the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt. “I will present the text to the Council of Ministers this Wednesday to ensure that the entire agreement is faithfully and fully transposed into law and to give this agreement the force of law”, declared the minister on franceinfo, Monday. The government is aiming for adoption in Parliament this summer. Concluded on February 10, the national interprofessional agreement (ANI) also aims to widely generalize mechanisms such as profit-sharing, participation and value-sharing bonuses (PPV) to all companies with more than 11 employees, as well as than to develop employee share ownership. The agreement was signed by four out of five unions with the exception of the CGT.

During his interview, Olivier Dussopt also announced that he would convene the salary negotiation follow-up committee on June 14, with the aim of fighting against what is presented as a “smicardisation” of salary grids. Against a background of inflation, the idea is to “relaunch these negotiations and ensure that social dialogue is the most productive”, commented the minister while the recent mechanical increases in the Smic have caused a setback in salary scales in many many professional branches.