
The Chinese automaker Hongqi has been around since 1958, drawing inspiration from Russian Volga models in its early days. The brand is now looking to expand into the Western market with the E-HS9 model, designed by former Rolls-Royce designer Giles Taylor. The E-HS9 is a massive SUV, measuring over 5 meters long and boasting a luxurious interior with four screens on the dashboard.

Under the hood, the E-HS9 features electric power and all-wheel drive. The top-of-the-line “President” version we tested delivers 551 horsepower and 750 Nm of torque, with a range of around 515 kilometers on a single charge. The driving experience is smooth and quiet, reminiscent of a flying carpet, although the brakes lack endurance in emergency situations.

Despite its impressive design and features, the E-HS9 has some drawbacks. The GPS system is outdated and unreliable, often suggesting strange routes. The voice control system is also hit or miss, with limited functionality. Additionally, the high energy consumption of the vehicle limits its range to around 400 kilometers on a full charge.

The pricing for the E-HS9 starts at 69,990 euros for the base model, but the Long Range President version we tested comes in at 102,995 euros. While the car offers a lot of luxury for the price, it also has some quirks and limitations that may not justify the cost for some buyers. Overall, the Hongqi E-HS9 is a mixed bag, offering a blend of luxury and performance with some notable drawbacks that potential buyers should consider before making a purchase.