Voyager 2 reached interstellar space

the Spacecraft Voyager 2 has reiterated what systersonden Voyager 1 became the first six year ago, Manage to enter the interstellar space.

the Probes launched from earth in 1977. After the very rough measures 1.8 billion miles, it reached the Voyager 1 solar system the outer limit of 2012. It is called heliopausen and where ends the heliosphere, the area around the sun that are affected by the solar wind and solar magnetic field.

the Voyager 2 made the feat on 5 november, announced the u.s. space agency Nasa on Monday.

– this is again a very exciting time during the Voyager so far, the 41-year-old journey with the exploration of the planets and the heliosphere, and is now entering interstellar space, ” says project researcher Ed Stone at the California Institute of Technology.

the Probes were designed to operate for five years, and primarily study the giant orbiting giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. But their refusal to disconnect has also increased the researchers ‘ understanding of the solar system’s outermost planets of Uranus and Neptune.

The stubborn probes have in various ways been directed to explore the solar system’s outermost limit. Nasa hopes on the continued supply of data into the 2020s.

Now have two objects created by man has taken the leap into the space between the stars. On board the indefatigable issuing the probes are gold-plated discs stored with information about the life and culture on earth, for example photos, written messages, music, and recordings of, inter alia, waves, wind, and whale songs. Among the musical contributions are the works of Bach, Beethoven and Mozart, but also aboriginal song and \