The classic quiz show in the third season starts today TV5, respectively.Sara Snitch and Jethro Rostedt are still the word quiz in the forefront. TV5
When the wheel of Fortune did last year with the return of tv boxes, one of the essential things had changed. No one of letters uttered when given a longer example of the same letter begins the word. Gone were the legendary words ”A as in Adam” and ”E as in Eve”.
Now the situation is changing. Today launched the third production of the season, reverting to the old method.
This season what is new is that say for example ”A as in Adam”, and that’s what really brings the program to add transparency, sanavisaa hosting the Jethro Rostedt is the second Yeti expects.
Jeti back in the box along with the Sara Snitch . A classic quiz in the opening movement are involved in hollola from Henry , as well as tampere, finland: Leena and Linus . Top meters are good, but there’s finally a decent winning pot.
the wheel of Fortune today TV5, respectively at 20: 00.