Showbiz Wim De Vilder (49) presented already some slotshows of Come on against Cancer, and last year collected he to 2,000 euro in a plane to jump. This year, the journaalanker still more in the sweat. He is peter of the 100 km run for KOTK and will appear Sunday along with three colleagues from the news desk at the start. “That is a most magical moment.”
“Last year I was asked by my fellow Goedele Guards or I for the benefit of KOTK with her wanted to participate in the 1,000 km on the bike,” says Wim De Vilder from the shore. “But I’m not a real cyclist. Running is more my thing. When I was a few months ago, the proposal was given to peter to be of the second edition of the 100 km run, I had no time to doubt. Together with Tine embrechts has been, that meter is, I have the initiative over the last few weeks as much as possible promoted. That was successful, because the tenders had already to be stopped. Sunday will see a small 2,000 participants at the start. The most I’ve been able to meet when the trail was proposed. But on Sunday I pull out the running shoes, and yet I started with a private team.” Wim found on the VRT news service three colleagues willing to sweat. “Maarten Vangramberen runs 40 km, Bart Schols explains 30 and Goedele Guards 10. I take it the 20 miles to my account. Together we are so good for 100 miles.”
Weeks trained
The journaalanker is already ready for. “My 20 miles I will cope, because I have weeks there for training. In the past I took already part in the 20 km of Brussels and when I got to the place,” smiles The Vilder. “I’ve always been a pretty good condition, since I used to even though two to three times per week went away. By my increased training schedule of the past few months my heart rate is now even lower than in the past. I’ve never been reluctantly go jogging, because I know what sports with me. It keeps me not only physically fit, but also mentally. After each loopbeurt feels like my head is completely empty and I have all the stress of me of the past. That delivers always a happy feeling. I can’t even miss it.”
The Vilder will find this 100-km-run extra special, ” he says. “Because the four team members, each with a different distance, but need to be together to finish. That is very symbolic. Fight against cancer, you also do not alone, but in group and together with your environment. Everyone has to own ability, a effort, but you try to be along to the meet to pick up. I look to Sunday between all the other participants – and, together with Maarten, Bart, and Goedele – in to succeed. That is certainly a most magical moment.”
What is the 100 km run?
Action in favour of Kom op tegen Kanker on Sunday 24 march from 9.30 am in the provincial domain De Schorre in Boom. The slotshow on the spot with Saartje Vandendriessche and Frank Deboosere start at 14.30 hours. The slotshow of KOTK is still no date is known.
Each team has four runners who have a combined total of 100 km. One runner start first, and after each 10 km close to a runner of the team. The first runner puts 40 km, the second 30, the third 20 and fourth 10. They walk together and also come together across the finish line.
In this second year, the 480 teams, each of 2,500 euro fee to pay. Total production: 1.200.000 euros.