Hallvard Flatland used up in the case he filed against the Gaming Innovation Group and will receive 3.4 million shares worth around nok 9 million for the current course. the

Issue between the TV celebrity and gamblingselskapet was up for the Bergen city court in the end of October, writes Dagens Næringsliv.

Cohost believed he had entered into an oral agreement with the company to get shares that he placed himself at the disposal of the board and other work.

Hallvard Flatland requires shares to ten million in spillsøksmål

Gaming Innovation Group is deemed to transfer 3.4 million shares to the Flatlands company Euro TV within two weeks. The company must also pay sakskostnadene of around nok 500,000.

– It is the best phone I have had in a long time, said Flatland when DN called and told him about the judgment that fell on Thursday.

When the parties met in court, they had different versions of what happened at a meeting in Bergen 30. april 2015. While Flatland thought they entered into an oral agreement on cooperation, rejected Gaming Innovation Group.

According to the newspaper, was the only evidence of what happened at the meeting, Flatlands notebook, which contained a number of keywords. The company’s lawyer Tor Henning Rustan Knudsen thought that Flatland was not able to prove that there was an agreement.

– A important evidence in this case is the lack of evidence, he claimed in his procedure.


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