”We are right many of my generation, born in the 1940s, adopted within the borders of Sweden. Who have grown up in an adoptive family. That probably has a biological family with roots dating back to, perhaps very far back, in Sweden. With great opportunities to work on family history. But after what?

you Should do research in the family you grew up in, but with whom one does not share a single gene and may not derive a few properties, then you can’t even relate to their own parents with recognition?

Or should I try to trace their genes of curiosity on why one is as one is, by searching for their biological roots? A delicate issue as long as the adoptive parents are in life, maybe.

to my adoptive parents was the right unusual for his time (born in the early 1900s) who let us three siblings, not mutually related, growing up with the knowledge that we were adopted. There was nothing that hemlighölls for anyone! Our mother realized that it was just as well to tell the surroundings why she suddenly had a child without having been pregnant.

She allowed us to also get access to our respective biological parents ‘ names and she told me the little she knew about them in a relatively neutral way. A common childhood memory is of their very early desire to ’researching’ a little and when our mom was gone and slipped to a reminder of their biological parents ‘ name, by looking in the ”secret book”.

It is located very near the wanting to know and try to understand WHY a mother abandoned her child.

You do not want to hurt their adoptive parents as ”compassion”. I myself was an orphan my first seven months in the life and”,” ago of just my parents!

A family, as a loved one says, not built on biological basis. It is a social construction.

unfortunately, in my teens stumbled across my biological father’s not fully usual name of a weekly magazine, I have not been able to avoid getting to know who he was and what he did. Unflattering data, unfortunately.

So what is it I would like to know – really?

My biological mother adopted away to a two-year older half-sister at the same time as she was pregnant with me! So what is it I would like to know more there – really?

A adoptivmoster have participated in family history work and wrote down what she found to my adoptivkusiners great joy. But what is that to me – really? It is enough that I know my adoptive parents ‘ own childhood and not so much the more, for understanding of why they were as they were, and their lives became as they were. My dad wrote down everything he knew about his family.

The only story I can feel the concern to me is if my adoptivfarfar, who I never met as he died before my birth. His last name I bore until I got married and he is in my hemorts history and was in close memory with my föräldrageneration. He was a man ’looked up to’. His family may become my tomb.

Further back than so I do not feel that it is interesting to research.

I feel like an island, free-floating between the two families, which actually means between the four families. Without the actual context in any of them. But I have Kolaybet my siblings. We have grown up with the same story. The same fate, if you will. It ties us together.”


”Since 1920, there is a German-speaking minority in southern jutland, and I have belonged to since I started in German kindergarten. When I started researching I could, in principle, nothing about my family, whether on mother’s or father’s side. It turned out that even they did not so much.

It came forward that the first world war has had a huge impact on my family in all stages. Because southern jutland was under German rule, the majority of the young men forced to participate in the war on the German side. I have several hundred relatives who took part in the war. Most of them came back with wounds on both the body and the soul. I have no exact figure on how many of my relatives who died, but it is enough if at least 20-25.

the whole war was my grandmother’s father Friedrich. He was born in Thuringia in Germany. It turned out that he had come all the way up to Denmark, where he met Anna Maria Christiansen. They had two daughters, one of whom is my grandmother, before Anna Maria died of tuberculosis only 21 years old.

Her husband Friedrich knew enough not what he would do with two young daughters but went north and left them to Anna Maria’s sister. It was probably the last time my grandmother and her sister saw their father. Ago, the first world war to the door, and He pulled out. During the war, married Friedrich of themselves, and they had a daughter, therefore a half-sister to my grandmother. I, like all other living old relatives, have never heard of her! Probably not my grandmother and her sister, either.”


”There was a cardboard box ombunden with string. At the top of the box, the low of the yellow jewish star that jews had been forced to wear on their clothing in Germany and the other by the germans in the occupied areas.”

Bertil Oppenheimer had received tips about the national Archives could have material about his parents. An archivist could track down a whole dossier on them.

”When I first took the part of these viseringskort and all other materials were about my parents ‘ fate in the national Archives in Marieberg, it was a chockartad experience. On viseringskorten is the father listed with the name ”Kurt Israel” and the mother with the name Elly Rita, Sara, the wife of Kurt Israel”. The names Israel and Sara, which indicates that they are of jewish descent, I had previously only seen in German documents from the war. My parents had never told the whole story to me and my brother. The red stamps ’Refusal of …’ elicited the creeps and shivers. You really hear how the stamp gives off its own special sound when it reaches the table top and the imprint ’the Refusal of the …’ stuck on the viseringskorten and other documents.

six times in two years time. I had to take a break and subsequently copies. Understood these officials how bad it was set with my parents when they took their decision? The question remains unanswered. Once the discomfort inside had put itself increased my interest in a fast pace move forward in my research about what actually had happened with my parents and other relatives during the war.”

Bertil Oppenheimers research became a story about how the parents grew up, met and married. How is life after Hitler’s seizure of power gradually changed, and eventually forced them to emigrate to Holland where they are after the German invasion in 1940 finally have to go under the earth. Their desperate struggle to obtain a residence permit in Sweden, what happened to their immediate family and, in particular, how they at the last moment was rescued and were reunited with the family in Sweden.

has written about her family history in the book ”Sweden-the story that was never told” (Jure förlag).