By Bo Höglund, parkingenjör on parkmiljöavdelningen for the north inner city (not very smooth title), I have made it clear to me that there are two different things. The actual vattenkonstverket, called ”the Source”, and the parched stream beds play a part.

the drinking Water to stream beds play a part has nothing with the actual artwork to do. It comes from a pumpanläggning and changed out a few times per season (1 may to 30 september).

– the Source is also a vattenkonstverk, but the Source has not been in operation during the last 20 years, ” says Bo Höglund and adds that previously let the water flow from stream beds play a part in mirror pond and further out in the dagvattenledningar.

by John Asker, which came out in 1986, you can in the chapter that deals with the functionalism breakthrough read about Observatorielundens decorating.

the Work to do in order of area between the School building (inaugurated in 1926), and Gunnar Asplund’s building (which was completed in 1928), was launched in 1927. The actual work took several years because it was about to build a wading pool. In addition, a protective wall to be built, trees and plants are planted and the lawns sown. Add to this the construction of roads, stairs, miscellaneous murarbeten and fångdamm.

You could say that parkbygget was not finished even in 1937 Gobahis when Ivar johnsson’s sculpture ”Dancing youth” was inaugurated. Another 13 years later installed a water treatment plant to the paddling pool.

Photo: Eva-Karin Gyllenberg

We think it bökas and dug out much of the town might be reminded that it is not a new phenomenon. It is the observatorielunden park. When the subway was built in the late 1940s were razed both the paddling pool as the stream beds play a part and a piece of the brunkeberg ridge plus the entire south-east corner of Sveavägen. Everything was restored, however, 1951-52.

it is fun when you have a relationship to a work of art? Then have the artist (in this case Olle Adrin) really succeeded.

Apropos of the question of nacka’s corner that I wrote about recently also heard Göran Orre. He pointed out (rightly) that it was in the AIK ”Nacka” Skoglund struck through, a breakthrough that led to the fact that he turned pro.

of course it was so, but as Göran Orre rightly points out, an addition:

”It is, of course, in Hammarby, he is an icon”.

I say not received.

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