The doctors of the pediatric hospital Gaslini of Genoa, have rebuilt the heart of a child of 21 months in the North of Italy suffered from severe malformation from birth which in other hospitals had been considered incorrigible. The small was refused even the possibility of a double transplant-heart-lung. The congenital heart disease was correct, the baby was discharged from the hospital with the prospect of a normal life.

“Today our daughter is a little girl who begins again to live – these are the words of their parents – can breathe independently, he begins to eat real food, begins to play, he embraces us. There are no words to thank the gaslini: here our daughter was born another time!. After a lot of suffering – they tell us – we were faced with the only prospect of seeing her live in pain, without ever being output from the hospitals, without a real life, always in fear of seeing her die from one moment to the next. There was a hope, but as for us, we have never lost”.