the ROME – qualified Sources of assistance to Italian citizens doubtful about the new coronavirus, which has put in quarantine millions of people in China. All the questions and answers on the new coronavirus is answered by the Directorate General of health prevention of the ministry of Health. Here are the 17 questions and the explanations provided by the experts.

1. what is a coronavirus?
The coronaviruses are a large family of viruses known to cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious illnesses such as respiratory syndrome middle east (Mers) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars).

2. what is the new coronavirus?
A new coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.

3. the men can be infected by a new coronavirus of animal origin?
detailed Investigations have found that, in China in 2002, Sars-CoV was transmitted by zibetti men and one in Saudi Arabia in 2012, Mers-CoV from dromedary camels to the men. Many coronaviruses known to circulate in animals that have not yet infected humans. As surveillance improves in all the world, is likely to be identified as coronavirus.

4. What are the symptoms of a person infected by a coronavirus?
it Depends on the virus, but the most common symptoms include fever, cough, difficulty breathing. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, renal failure, and even death.

5. coronavirus can be transmitted from person to person?
Yes, some coronavirus can be transmitted from person to person, usually after close contact with an infected patient, for example between family members or in a healthcare environment.

6. the is There a vaccine for a new coronavirus?
No, because it’s a new illness, there is still no vaccine. You may also need years to develop a new vaccine.

7. the is There a treatment for a new coronavirus?
there is No specific treatment for the disease caused by a new coronavirus. The treatment must be based on the patient’s symptoms. The support-therapy can be very effective.

8. What can I do to protect myself?
The recommendations to reduce the exposure and transmission of a series of respiratory diseases include the maintenance of hand hygiene (wash your hands often with soap and water or with alcoholic solutions, and of the respiratory tract (sneezing or coughing into a tissue or with your elbow flexed, use a mask, and throw the handkerchiefs used in a basket closed immediately after use and wash your hands), food practices are safe (avoid raw or undercooked meat, the fruit or vegetable is not washed and the drinks, not bottled) and avoid close contact, when possible, with anyone who shows symptoms of respiratory disease such as coughing and sneezing. It is recommended to get vaccinated against the seasonal flu at least two weeks prior to travel. It is recommended, in addition, to avoid visiting markets for fresh food of animal origin and live animals, avoid contact with people who have respiratory symptoms. If a person develop respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing) while in Wuhan, should consult a doctor immediately. If a person return from a trip to Wuhan developments in respiratory symptoms in the 14 days after their return, should immediately consult a doctor and inform him of the trip.

9. the health care workers are at risk due to a new coronavirus?
Yes, may be, for health care workers in contact with patients more often than does the general population. The Who recommends that health-care workers to apply consistently appropriate measures for the prevention and control of infections in general and respiratory infections in particular.

10. What are the risks of propagation in Europe?
The probability is considered moderate.

11. the How does someone get this coronavirus?
more information is needed to better understand the mode of transmission and clinical manifestations of this new virus. The source of this new virus is not yet known. Therefore, it would be prudent to reduce the overall risk of acute respiratory infections during travel to or from affected areas (currently the Wuhan City).

12. What to do if you stay, recently in Wuhan?
If in the two weeks after your return, you should present fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, as a precaution, contact your doctor, referring to your recent trip to

13. What to do if you stay in a hospital where I was admitted to a sick person?
The risk of transmission exists only if you were in close and prolonged contact with the patient. The sick suffering from infection by the new Coronavirus, also, are hospitalized in separate rooms from other patients. So far, there has been reported no infection by the new coronavirus, and contracted in a hospital or other healthcare facility.

14. What to do if you have symptoms of the virus?
In case of symptoms related to a respiratory disease, before, during or after the trip, travelers should consult a doctor and inform him of their journey.

15. What are the Who recommendations for the countries?
The Who encourages all countries to strengthen the surveillance of acute respiratory infections acute (Sari), and to carefully review any unusual cases of SARI or pneumonia, and to communicate to Who any suspected or confirmed infection with the new coronavirus. Countries are encouraged to continue to strengthen their preparation for health emergencies in line with the international health regulations (2005).

16. Which monitoring device has been introduced for this virus at the national level?
In Italy, there is an active network for surveillance of severe acute respiratory infections (Sari) and syndromes acute respiratory distress (Ards). The situation is constantly monitored by the ministry, which is in continuous contact with the Who and the Ecdc, and to publish promptly any new update on its portal.

17. the to What extent specific health for travellers has been started in our country?
Italy (Rome Fiumicino airport) has three direct flights with Wuhan, and numerous non-direct flights, the passenger traffic should increase on the occasion of the chinese new year. As expected by the International Health Regulations (2005) (Ihr), at the airport of Fiumicino is in force a procedure health, and managed by the Usmaf Sasn, to verify the possible presence on board of the aircraft from Wuhan of suspected cases of acute, and their eventual transfer to the bio-containment unit at the national Institute for infectious diseases Spallanzani in Rome. Is in the process of strengthening the supervision of passengers of the direct flights from Wuhan (and every other flight with reported suspected cases of 2019 nCoV). In the next few days the passengers coming in with these flights will be submitted at the airport in the control of body temperature. The cases positive may be subject to further controls and eventually will be placed in isolation, with activation of surveillance for the other passengers at risk. Has been prepared for information material to be displayed in the airports to inform international travellers.

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