The Armenians want to steer half a year after the peaceful protests of their country to more democracy and trust in Prime Minister Nikol Paschinjan. His democratic promises of Reform in the future movement got in the parliamentary election on Sunday, according to preliminary results more than two-thirds of the votes.

Paschinjan is regarded by many Armenians as a carrier of hope, wants to boost the economy and action against corruption. However, experts warn of new protests, should he not implement his promised reforms.

“We have reached our goal already. These are truly free, transparent and democratic elections,” said Paschinjan at noon, after voting in a Kindergarten in the capital, Yerevan. The main goal was to achieve more democracy in the Ex-Soviet Republic. “We have done that.” With a clear victory of the in the population, an extremely popular Prime Minister and his movement, “My step” had been expected.

Around 2.5 million people were called to the early election. The turnout was according to the election Commission, when almost 49 percent.

head of Protest movement

The former Journalist Paschinjan had mentioned in the spring, the week-long street protests against corruption and nepotism in Armenia. As the head of the protests, he was far beyond the Ex-Soviet Republic, and forced the then head of government, Serzh Sargsyan to resign. As a result of the so-called velvet Revolution, he rose in may to the interim head of government. In mid-October he submitted his resignation, paving the way for re-election, he was asking for more Power in the Parliament.

so Far, had looked in Parliament, the opposition Republicans in the majority, which Paschinjan thwarted. After the election, the 43-Year-old scoffed at the Republicans, who had not gathered enough votes for one mandate.

The Opposition has accused the head of government of a dirty election campaign, and an unfair vote. Poor Aschotjan of Republicans said the news Agency DPA that his party has been victimised. In addition, Paschinjans victory had been already fixed before, because his party, the election “has been held in a post-revolutionary euphoria”.

Small and poor

The Republicans wanted the election Milanobet date to the spring and hoped, according to observers, the time for a change of mood use to be able to. Not indicated but can also be months after the end of the protests.

The small and poor Armenia, with almost three million inhabitants, is located in the South Caucasus and is in a politically difficult situation. It is enemies with the neighbors, Azerbaijan and Turkey and therefore to an Alliance with Russia dependent. Paschinjan wants to maintain cooperation with both Russia and with the EU. (chk/sda)

Created: 10.12.2018, 05:13 PM