The acute SYMPTOMS are gone. The night is spent without coughing, sneezing or chills, and when the alarm sounds there doubts in the case of be said yet a little while, or it is time to resume your daily routine? A question that you starano by many italians, saw that only in the last week have occurred about 374mila new cases of influenza. Answer, however, is not easy: going to school or in the office before a full recovery, in fact, could put at risk not only our health, but also that of others. How to balance then health, commitments and sense of duty? We spoke with Ovidio Brignoli, vice president of the Italian Society of general medicine and primary care (Simg).

READ: Influence, how to deal with it and avoid the complications
As you recognize the first thing you have to remember that there is no influence if there is a threefold symptomatology. “To distinguish it from other diseases, from colds, the flu, that in the worst case scenario has a duration of 4-5 days, is characterized by fever high, over 38 and a half, and the sudden,” says Brignoli. “You have, in addition, symptoms of respiratory type, such as runny nose and drips, coughs, catarrh, discomfort in breathing, and symptoms of systemic, i.e. muscle and bone pain”. Because the flu is a respiratory disease, it can often be confused with the common cold. But the influence, stresses the expert, is a systemic disease, i.e. a disease that affects many parts of the body. “The cold, however, has a symptomatology general”, warns the expert. “There are muscle and bone pain, and fever, when present, never reaches the high temperatures”.
recovery from systemic illnesses, like the flu, need a recovery period of the body about seven days. For an adult in health, for example, the flu takes about 5 days and for a good recovery it takes at least 2-3. For those who are more forward with the age, however, takes about two weeks total, one of the disease, and the other of convalescence. “In order to find the strength, the will to do and the physical stamina you must spend at least a week,” said Brignoli. For the cold, instead, the discourse is very different. “While sick with the flu can’t go to work, not only because it is infectious, but also because it is, the person with a cold can safely work. In fact, even during the manifestation of symptoms, the person has limitations on minimum”.

Given that the flu is characterized by high fever, it is essential to drink a lot. “Dehydration leads to time of recovery very long,” explains the expert. “During his illness and convalescence must be well, therefore, to a lot, and if the influence is not accompanied by disturbance type nausea, to eat, even if there are no indications for a specific diet. And, finally, to rest, i.e. to maintain an activity in the home, but avoid the work”.

READ more. From the vaccine to the washing of the hands, the tips Who to protect yourself from the flu
The risk of infection once the symptoms have passed and we have finally found the necessary strength to face the daily routine, the question you should ask is if the return to work might jeopardize the health of those around us. The risk of contagion, in fact, is just around the corner, or, better, a few feet away. “The influenza virus, but also that of cold, is in the breath and saliva,” explains Brignoli. “Even when you talk normally, up to about a distance of one meter we send tiny droplets which strike the person in front of you”. The contagion, however, happens when you still do not know to be sick. “In the phase of incubation, i.e. in the last couple of days when we begin to feel unwell and in the first days of illness when symptoms are real”, says Brignoli. “To prevent infection, then, it is necessary to avoid contact and wash your hands regularly”. “In the second week of January,” concludes the expert, “there has been an upsurge of cases of influenza, and we are not yet at the acme of the period of the flu”. In these next two weeks, suggests the expert, you have to be especially careful: if you must stay at home, remember to wash your hands frequently, cured properly, and avoid, finally, to go to the emergency room in order not to transmit further the virus.

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