Get back in line immediately after the holidays with a detox diet, balanced and above all not a punitive one. There are few rules suggested by the nutritionist and researcher, Stefania Ruggeri Create the Food and Nutrition that aims to sanctify the day according to new rhythms, or practicing physical activity type aerobic in the morning, drinking lots of water and using the lactic acid bacteria, in addition to full of fruit, vegetables and fish.

“To counter the offset of the sleep-wake rhythms typical of the days of the feast,” says the nutritionist, “it’s good to do physical exercises in the early hours of the morning, not only to consume the calories you in excess, but also to improve the activity of cortisol, the stress hormone that may be involved in the increase of weight”. The suggestion is then to get up early and practice an aerobic activity between 7 and 10 in the morning. The second rule is to detoxify the liver, with a diet pesco-vegetarian diet based on fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products, eggs, fish, crustaceans and molluscs, with the addition of legumes and whole grains.

“Many studies – remember the nutritionist – have shown that this type of diet helps to reduce the cholesterol and the blood sugar because it lightens the load of the saturated fatty acids, taken in the days of the feasts”. Obviously, it is good to give up in the days of recovery to alcohol, a source of calories and fatigue to the liver. The other word of order is to balance the intestinal flora with probiotic ferments. “Already in the years ’90 – highlights the researcher – had been demonstrated that 1 week of bad diet with surplus calories, it can change the microbiota of the gut and lead to a dysbiosis, an increase of the so-called bacteria ‘bad’, responsible of a bad absorption of nutrients and the risk of overweight”. Excellent for helping to balance the intestinal flora, as well as a power light and pesco-vegetarian diet, according to Ruggeri, the fermented milk or yogurt for breakfast 1-2 times per day. Remember, finally, to restore the water reserves.

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“During the holidays it is easy to have exaggerated with a few too many to drink, without having drunk enough water,” says Ruggeri, according to which, to hydrate the best, in addition to the water you can fill a thermos or water bottles with green tea bancha; a drink rather well-known in Italy that contains no caffeine and is rich in antioxidants that help to reduce the levels of free radicals that are formed during the excesses of the christmas festivities.

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