The ART perhaps there feeds, but it can stretch out the life. This at least is what emerges from a research conducted at the University College of London about 6.700 people over 50. The study, published in the British Medical Journal, argues that the people who frequent museums, art galleries but also of theatre and cinema has an expectation of longer life. To the emergence of the role of the arterapia for prevention in the medical field was also a report of the World Health Organization has analyzed more than 900 publications, the most comprehensive review up to date data on the link between art and health.
The research by Using the data of over six thousand persons who had taken part in an English study of ageing (English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, Elsa), the researchers followed them from 2002 until 2018, also registering deaths (almost 30%). In those who frequented habitually museums and theatres, the researchers found the 31% less risk of mortality in the subsequent 14 years of follow-up compared to other subjects of the same age but without any interest for the art. And this is also taking into account other factors which may affect longevity, such as health conditions, social life and economic status. Even those who had taken part in activities linked to the world of art only once or twice a year had a lower risk of 14% to die in the course of the years of duration of the study. Men, the unmarried and the unemployed most at risk overall, it is seen that men are more likely to die, as well as unmarried people, those less wealthy and those who are not working. Among those who in the course of the study are dead, 47.5% had declared at the beginning of never having undertaken cultural activities, compared with 26.6% who had taken part in an activity related to the art one or two times a year, and 18.6% of the people who were involved with the art more frequently.
require a little bit of art for prevention
other research had established that art could have an influence on longevity, improving mental health, strengthening the social life and reducing the sedentary lifestyle and also the sense of loneliness. In particular, some previous research had shown that interest in the arts can reduce the chances of developing depression, chronic pain and dementia. “Engaging with art can be stimulating for the imagination, the creativity, but also to learn new things and create new friendships,” says Jennifer Novak-Leonard of the Northwestern University of Chicago who has handled various research on the role that art and culture can play in the health of the people as they get older. According to the researchers, studies of this type should also serve to encourage prevention policies that provide for the ‘prescription for art’ as a tool for the protection of the physical and mental health as well as what is already happening in some countries.

READ art therapy, those fantastic pictures of children difficult
Who report
Who has tried to shed light on the health benefits in five major categories of the arts: performing arts (music, dance, singing, theatre, cinema); visual arts (crafts, design, painting, photography), literature (writing, reading, participation in literary festivals); culture (go to museums, galleries, concerts, theater); and the arts online (animations, digital arts, etc). For example, children whose parents read before bed have a night’s sleep longer and in a higher concentration at school. Even as an adult, the singing improves attention, episodic memory and executive function. Art as integration of care
In the health facilities, arts activities can complement or improve the treatment protocols. Listen to music or do art, for example, reduces the side effects of cancer treatment, including drowsiness, lack of appetite, shortness of breath and nausea. In addition, it has been found that in emergency contexts the artistic activities such as music, crafts and clowns reduce anxiety, pain and blood pressure.

“Bring art into the lives of the people through activities such as dancing, singing and go to museums and concerts, represents an additional strategy to improve the physical and mental health,” says Piroska Östlin, regional director for Europe of the Who. “The examples cited in this revolutionary report of the WHO show the ways in which the arts can tackle the health challenges as complex as diabetes, obesity, and mental illness”.

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