THE LOOK of the latest survey on the Italian health system, the confirmation to the good and to re-report the bad. This time it is a survey, “First edition. Outlook Health Italy 2021. Perspectives and sustainability of the Health System”, of the Deloitte network, an important and historic set of companies of multidisciplinary services. You have asked a large representative number of Italian adults (3960, says the survey) a judgment on a number of fronts: frequency of use of the services in the last 3 years, assessment of the quality of private and public services compared to the previous year, the distribution and the motivation of care and assistance outside their Region (the so-called “health tourism”), a waiver to health care for economic reasons, the knowledge and the activation of health insurance policies, the perception of innovation in the field of health (scanning, telemedicine, use of technology). The study, more Than six in ten respondents have done laboratory tests (81% in public facilities or leased) or used the doctor or pediatrician in the family. The 44% who needed dental care, has used almost 8 times out of 10 professionals in the private or services of the same profession in public facilities. Screening and prevention in 80% it does the public or facility structures. 21% of the respondents used in the last 3 years, the Emergency department, much less those with a higher income. Those who are more affluent is also more specialist visits, including dental, and diagnostic instruments. 57% of respondents would have incurred expenses for health services for the family, one in three between 1000 and 5000 euro. The 29% (which becomes 41% in the Islands and 36% in the South) would give up to some type of care for “economic” reasons. And between these there is a 21% of the income scale, the high, and 27% of the average. Too expensive for them?
Ssn promoted this Said the Health Service is promoted (by vote of 6.2 out of 10) even in the Islands and in the South, and Private even more (7,2 of 10). The services provided within the last year would have remained the same for 43% of the sample, a little or a lot worse for the 38%: the most negative according to the elderly, people with low incomes and women. If the 118 and the family doctor are the most popular services, waiting lists for inpatient treatment, diagnostics, and outpatient visits are the Achilles heel of the system (but from what has been said and written on this subject!). A third of italians would have moved to other Regions (72%) or abroad (28%) to search for the best facility or doctor or, in fact, because of the waiting lists. With obvious problems of cost and impact on the family budget. A country that is ageing Easy to guess that the purpose of the survey-research has to do with the need to reconcile accounts in a Country that is ageing, less active people, high costs of new treatments, chronicity, self-sufficiency. The demand for health insurance, it goes in that direction, and the presence at the debate the next manager of the Allianz division Health is one example. The private, which integrates and collaborates with the public is the recipe requested. In Italy, the health insurance is not very popular. If it does the company goes well, but very few (one out of 5) subscribe. And yet, says the survey – who is insured in three cases out of 4 will recommend it to friends and relatives. The cost and the not to trust the insurance companies are the reasons of distrust widespread. New technologies
Although with the presence at the debate of the professor at the Sant’anna in Pisa, and former minister of Education, University and Research, Maria Chiara Carrozza, they wanted to give a push to the front of the innovation (together with the president of Medtronic Italy, Michele Perrino, a leading company in the field of medical devices and surgical), the perception of innovation in the Italian health system is depressing. On the digitization of the sector compared to other sectors, 38% of the sample considers the lower 32% equal% and 21%, is not expressed. Health care workers with digital skills? For the 41% is sufficient, and 20% poor. 41% of respondents did not know what the dossier electronic health (the medical history of the patient, digitized, personalized, and unified for the consultation). Only 37% have received via email a report, and 35% have booked a service online. The 23% are also using a chat room or an app to communicate with the doctor. 8% have used the services of telemedicine.
The appeal of the experts to improve the system, According to Guido Borsani, senior partner at Deloitte (which has shown throughout the investigation) there are no “recipes”. Borsani, but underlines the complexity of the matter and the validity of the Italian health System, albeit in need of revisions and innovations. Regionalization, as has so often noted, has complicated the picture instead of improving it: but the issue of the south is certainly not founded in 1978 with the health care reform, we should add. If subsidiarity with the control of the public seems to be the orientation of the most, a regional administrator (Vito Montanaro,Director-General, and Apulia) has spoken of the frustration with the rules, constraints, organizational methods that block or inhibit the innovations and the progress. While Michele Perrino of Medtronic Italy, and director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy (who sponsored the event in rome) has made reference to the proposals of “The Value Agenda for Italy”, the result of a joint work between public actors, private associations and scientific societies (“five-hundred signatories,” says the manager) delivered to the then minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, and now placed, again, in the hands of the minister Roberto Hope.

A pamphlet of thirty page with analysis and concrete proposals are shared, the patient at the centre, sustainability, efficiency, measurement of effectiveness, duplication of services, integrated it platform.When you read in that document, “logical framework on which to organize the services in the region” and transparency with Public Reporting, one has the impression, hopefully incorrect, the difficulty of the whole of the italic face of the challenge. The logic and transparency of the Regions and the central administration falters in decades.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on the M5s, the Movement at the junction of the Emilia region. But the Count and the ministers swear the Pd Maio leaves, the Five Star Movement in disarray. “The enemy is within us”. Stored to Of the Baptist The parable of Di Maio, from the peaks of 30 percent to the sacrificial lamb of The fate passes from Bologna policy paved

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