His style ? Restraint, always, and the observance of strict political neutrality, which enabled him to reach a consensus. Throughout her 70 years of reign, and even when she was still a child, Queen Elizabeth II, who died on September 8, managed to enter into communion with her subjects. She has also been able to distill, over the years, her vision of the political role that was hers, like secrets about the life of the royal family, its joys as well as its difficulties.

“When peace comes, remember that it will be up to us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.”

“Once upon a time the monarch led his soldiers on the battlefield. (…) Today things are very different. I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or dispense justice . But I can do something else, I can give my heart and my devotion to you, to these old islands and to all the people who make up our brotherhood of nations [the Commonwealth].”

“The democratic regime is based on the conscious adhesion of the citizens. The role of the constitutional monarchy is to personify the democratic State, to sanction the legitimate authority, to ensure the legality of the means and to guarantee the execution of the will popular.”

“1992 is not a year I will look back on with unmitigated pleasure. In the words of one of my friendly royal correspondents, it turned out to be an annus horribilis. I guess I am not the alone to think so.”

“Of course, we will never agree on everything. But life would be starved – and the rest of the world would lose – if we did not allow ourselves time to time to endorse our national caricatures: pragmatism British and French élan; French conceptualism and British humour; British rain and French sunshine; I think we should rejoice in our complementarity.”

“Even if the deepest differences separate us, treating others with respect, like a human being, is always a good first step.”

“I hope that in the years to come everyone can be proud of how they have risen to this challenge. (…) We should take comfort in knowing that, although we still have a lot to endure, the better days will come back: we will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again, we will meet again.”

“Nothing that can be said can take away the anguish and pain of such times. Sorrow is the price love makes us pay.”

“This year’s theme is ‘Women as Agents of Change’. It reminds us of the potential that has yet to be fully tapped within our societies, and encourages us to find ways to all girls and women to fully play their role.”