The Ministry of Education has been rectified and your intention is not to modify aspects of it “most damaging” of the current educational law (Lomce), as announced by the minister Isabel Celaá, but approve a new education law that will be the eighth of democracy. “Is repealed by the Organic Law 8/2013”, indicated on page 67 -a total of 69 – the preliminary draft of the new law, which the Ministry published yesterday on its website subject to the consultation of the educational organizations.

In the first draft of which the Ministry shared with the educational community the last 9 November, in which it was contemplated the proposals to modify the rules of education, it was argued that the Lomce “may not be repealed in its entirety at this time”, since that “would run out of educational legislation”, noted. Mariobet However, the team Celaá and legal advisors have realized that they have a margin for the drafting of a new regulation and are already working to find the name.

At the end of the year, the final text will rise to the Council of Ministers and, subsequently, the Proposed Law will be debated at the Congress.

The reform abolishes the so-called itineraries in the third and fourth of ESO; it eliminates the reválidas —currently suspended—; including Ethics as a compulsory subject, —under the name of Education in civic values and the ethical—; is eliminated the call to social demand for access to education concerted; and Religion no longer will be the subject of mandatory bid in the 1st and 2nd of Baccalaureate. The scores obtained by the pupils who are the subject catholic will not be counted to get the average mark of access to the University.

in Addition, gains weight the subject of Philosophy, with courses in both Bachelor’s degree courses and introduced in Primary and Secondary Education in Civic Values and Ethics.