This year’s Lifesaver+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVJägaren Stig-Erik, 68, had suffered cardiac arrest – saved by the PerSVENSKA HEROES

When the hunter Stig-Erik’s heart suddenly stopped, he was hanging lifeless on the mincer.

Then acted the friend Per instantly.

” I thought, ”It will never go”, says Per.

Stig-Erik Edström, 68, and Per Jonsson, 54, has hunted together for 30 years. Both are in the Lustbodarnas Hunting parties that are in Rätan, nine miles south of Östersund.

– The best hunting is to be out in god’s free nature, ” says Stig-Erik.

Early in the morning last Saturday gave itself Stig-Erik, Per and a further ten individuals from the hunting party out to shoot the elk. Around twelve o’clock in the morning was the society finished in the woods and walked to the place where they usually cut the meat.

– We’re in a garage as we have done on the styckeri, says Per Jonsson.

Photo: PrivatPer Jonsson saved the life of Stig-Erik Edström. Stig-Erik hung lifeless on the mincer

Stig-Erik worked as usual diligently. After five hours with stycksågen it was time to start grinding meat in a grinder. Then he fell suddenly in a swoon. Stig-Erik’s lifeless body was hanging over the mill.

Per saw what happened and was quickly arrived to help.

– I and a guy to put him down on the floor. After about 40 seconds I had started cpr, ” says Per Jonsson.

Stig-Erik had weak and irregular pulse. At the same Retrobet time that Per gave him cpr, called a different person from the hunting party SOS Alarm. After a few minutes, came, waiting for the ambulance, a few firefighters from the emergency services with a hjärtstartare.

– Startaren signaled that we would shoot with it. So I shot, ” says Per.

CPR in 30 minutes

Per struggled with CPR and hjärtstartaren in about 30 minutes before the ambulance came with both car and helicopter. Stig-Erik was still unconscious when the medics transported him to The hospital.

– When they pulled away with him I was very taken. It was like the air went out of a. I thought: ”It will never go”, says Per.

After the drama went Per home. He was dazed, and couldn’t sleep as the thoughts went around in my head.

But in the middle of the night plingade his phone. It was Stig-Erik’s son, who sent me a text message. It was: ”Dad is feeling good”.

– It felt very good to read, ” says Per Jonsson.

”Useless to the clip of the doll”

When Stig-Erik woke up in the hospital four hours after he became unconscious was his family on the spot. The nursing staff told me that he had suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. They could not deduce the cause, but ruled that the Pers contribution has been life-changing.

Per did is admirable. I can’t thank him enough. There are no words, ” says Stig-Erik.

Per, as everyday working with high voltage, mean that he knew what he would do in the difficult situation because he has gone livräddningskurser with the job.

– It may seem pointless to squeeze in the where the dock once a year. But it is vital, ” he says.

Now it has been just over a week since the incident. Stig-Erik is feeling relatively good, but feel shaken up. The first thing he will do when he becomes more alert is to learn how a hjärtstartare works.

– It is every person’s obligation to be able to use such”, says Stig-Erik Edström.

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