The department of the environment, the UN has warned on Tuesday the country must triple its efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030 if the average rise in temperature at the end of century to stay below 2 degrees celsius. If it is hope that the temperature increase does not exceed 1.5 degrees, the effort must be multiplied by five. Stay in a mean increase between 1.5 and 2 degrees is the goal set out in the Paris Agreement to avoid catastrophic consequences associated with the warming.


UN experts urge to take drastic measures against the climate change, global emissions of CO2-they grow back in 2017

The pact of Paris, which will begin to apply from 2020, obligates the countries that ratify it to present national plans for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The UN annually makes a report on the gap between the reductions committed by the States and the necessary reductions to meet the target of 1.5 and 2 degrees. And getting to these objectives are moving further and further away. “Now, more than ever, action is needed on a unprecedented and urgent for all nations,” says the report presented on Wednesday.

“Technically, it Trbet is still possible to close the gap,” says the document of the UNEP, the department of environment of the UN. But you will need a few efforts and much less on the table. This same alerted in October to the IPCC, the group of scientists that are in charge of x-raying the climate change for the UN, which urged countries to take drastic measures by 2030.

however, the UN recalls that the commitments of emission reduction in force will be that in 2100 the increase in temperature of around 3 degrees. The report recalls that, after three years of stagnation, in 2017, the emissions of greenhouse gases increased again.

These emissions (mainly from the energy sector) reached its record in 2017. And the report highlights as a negative that they are detecting signals that have reached their ceiling. “The total annual greenhouse gases (…) reached a record high of 53,5 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent in 2017, an increase of 0.7 gigatons respect to 2016,” notes the report. And warns that these global emissions in 2030 should be approximately 25% lower if it is to meet the goal of 2 degrees. If you are seeking to stay below 1.5 degrees, should be a 55% lower.

“The window of opportunity for action is beginning to close, and if we do not act now, the opportunity will be gone,” he lamented through a press release, Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace international. “This is the biggest threat that has ever faced humanity,” he warned.