The summit on climate change of the UN, which this year is held in the Polish city of Katowice, faces his final week, in which the negotiations have already a profile and more political and in the coming into play of the ministers and political representatives of the nearly 200 participating countries. And faces this week split. USA, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have joined together this Saturday to prevent the summit will be “welcomed with satisfaction” the last report of the IPCC, the group of experts in charge of monitoring for the UN, the effects of climate change.


UN experts urge to take drastic measures against the climate change, global emissions of CO2 grow, and re-marking a record

That report, basically, what that says is that the planet is running out of time for the heating is under the thresholds that are manageable. The Paris Agreement states that the countries must reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases so that at the end of the century the increase of the temperature of the planet is between 1.5 and two degrees celsius relative to preindustrial levels. And the latest IPCC report calling on the Governments that are urgent, during the next decade, to make drastic cuts in their emissions to meet that goal.

This analysis was commissioned from the IPCC by the nearly 200 countries that closed in the 2015 Paris Agreement. Their conclusions do not secure obligations for any State. After its launch in October, this summit should be to give that welcoming with “satisfaction” in the study. But those four countries refused Saturday to give that step, and suggested that you only opt for the formula “take note”, something that they reject the majority of countries attending. Finally, there was no Oslobet agreement and the declaration on the IPCC report was not approve.

“I’m very sorry that you have been as well. It was important to highlight together the significance of the report of the 1.5 degrees of the IPCC and the urgency of accelerating the transformation,” he lamented on Saturday night, the Spanish minister to the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, via Twitter.

The non-approval of this declaration does not in principle have practical purposes immediate. “But it sends a troubling signal to the rest of the week”, values David Howell, an expert in climate negotiations of SEO/BirdLife. The negotiators of these almost 200 countries have to be resolved by Friday, the small print of the Paris Agreement, which is expected to start to apply when it expires in 2020 of the Kyoto Protocol. In principle, the technical part of the work to be done did not seem too complicated, according to some experts, who decry the blocking of the four countries.

Three of them (Saudi Arabia, Russia and Kuwait) have some economies very dependent on the oil and gas, so that the drastic measures and urgent decarbonisation raised by the IPCC report them golpearían with hardness. At the helm of the fourth country discordant, EE UU, is Donald Trump, contrary to the fight against climate change.

Trump has already announced that his country would leave the Paris Agreement. But this covenant contained several clauses that make it impossible for the US to withdraw from the agreement until the end of 2020. During the two summits held since the victory of Trump, the u.s. delegation had kept a low profile; neither hindered nor was active. What is “worrying”, says Howell, is that the drawbacks in the case of the IPCC report can lead to a change of direction of the united STATES, that is to say, to pass to a locking position.

on the report of the IPCC, Howell did not rule out return to this matter during this week and that you can finally be approved for any reference to this document on the last day in the form of a political declaration.