Electronic CIGARETTES “are harmful to health and are not safe”, “can damage to the growing fetus ” and are particularly risky for the development of the adolescent brain. Therefore, “if they are not prohibited, must be regulated”. This is the new alarm of the world health Organization (WHO). A position that finds the approval of the paediatricians, but leaves in doubt who is involved in helping smokers to quit.
diseases e-cig reads in a document of questions and answers published on the portal and re-launched on twitter, “increase the risk of heart disease and lung disorders” . Exhibit, second-hand, also the non-smokers to nicotine and other harmful chemicals”. In addition, the liquid contained in them “can burn of skin and cause poisoning by nicotine if swallowed or absorbed”. Are “particularly dangerous when used by adolescents, because the nicotine in them creates “a dependency in the developing brain”. And, on the other hand, between 15,000 aromas, there are “many designed to attract young people, like bubble gum and cotton candy”. As to the fact that switching to vaping is more secure compared to the blondes of the traditional “depends on the amount of nicotine and other toxic substances in the liquids, the heated”.
“Choose other solutions to stop smoking” For tobacco users who want to quit smoking, explains, “there are other products that have been tested, more secure, and authorized, such as patches, nicotine replacement”. Today, the e-cig are “banned in over 30 countries around the world,” and the Who recommends States to implement measures to “stop the promotion”. “The warning confirms things that we knew, but we are pleased that the Who has taken a clear and strong position”, says Rino Agostiniani vice-president of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (Sip), and director of Pediatrics of the Asl in Toscana Centre. The E-cig, as we have repeatedly denounced, “are an instrument created to deter adults from smoking, but that is becoming a tool that more and more often approach the young people of 11-13 years to potential situations of dependency, perhaps arousing less fear in the parents”. And this is not the only risk. “Often – continue – especially in the liquids, which do not pass to the official business there is no clarity on how much nicotine there is, and the nicotine, in pregnant women damages the fetus because it worsens exchanges at the level of the placenta”.
The expert: “Useful if you cannot leave the smoke” To break a lance in favor of the e-cig, is Fabio Beatrice, director of the Department of Otolaryngology and Head of the Centre Anti-Smoking of the San Giovanni Bosco Hospital of Turin. “For those who can’t quit smoking, he explained the switch to the digital smoking is a clinical advantage in the face of absolute certainty on the lethal toxicity of the smoke when it is burnt”. And this, he says, is demonstrated by much scientific evidence. “Should be separate – ends – policies that protect non-smokers and young people from the policies of aid for smokers”.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on the M5s, the Movement at the junction of the Emilia region. But the Count and the ministers swear the Pd Maio leaves, the Five Star Movement in disarray. “The enemy is within us”. Stored to Of the Baptist The parable of Di Maio, from the peaks of 30 percent to the sacrificial lamb of The fate passes from Bologna policy paved

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