The comedian Jean-Marie Bigard is not contemplating “for the moment” nomination at the presidential election in 2022, considering that this project is “not the flavor of the day” and that he “never wanted” to make policy.

“I let it heat the pressure cooker on low heat to know how many people would be behind me if that happened, but for now this is not to the taste of the day,” said the humorist to the magazine Society. “I know of nothing in politics. I never really wanted to do. I would shred if I went back on the field. I prefer to scream in the forum”, he said to the biweekly published on 11 June.

read also : Presidential: Macron attentive to the hypothesis Bigard

Jean-Marie Bigard had said at the end of may on BFMTV that he might be “interested” by a candidate for the presidential election to “represent the people” outside the political parties. When asked about a possible candidacy, the actor of 66-year-old had replied: “It could if it could help the people to have a voice sincere not be a member of any political party. Yes, it could tempt me”.

The comedian has recently supported the list of the owner Marcel Campion to the municipal of Paris, who had received only 0.40 per cent of the vote. In 1980, Coluche announced his candidacy for the presidential election the following year. After being mounted more than 10% in voting intentions, he had resigned a few months before the election.

read also : The day Bigard obtained by Brigitte Macron to postpone the closure of a maternity

Since then, both clubs have experienced electoral successes abroad: Beppe Grillo, the Italian parliamentary election in 2013 and Volodymyr Zelensky, who was elected president of the Ukraine in 2019. The comedian had recently made about him by revealing to have been called by Emmanuel Macron, after having provoked, by video, on the re-opening of bars and restaurants.

The editorial team conseilleBigard or Raoult 2022: the assumption of an “outsider” should it worry about Macron?Jean-Marie Bigard is interested by a candidate at the presidential election in 2022Zemmour, Villiers, Raoult, Bigard… Why Macron cajole the opponents of the “system”SujetsJean-Marie Bigardélection présidentielle6 commentairesgéraaaAAArdle 15/06/2020 15:28

Pity, it would have made a good president, failing to be a good comedian.

Marco2754le 15/06/2020 15:22

syndrome Coluche….

Anti Tartuffele 15/06/2020 14:26

Macron will be able to breathe. Bigard the was terrifying. Nevertheless, between the entertainers we support.

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