This is a letter that is very useful for job seekers… Since the reform of “human rights “rechargeable” October 1, 2014, persons registered with Pôle emploi and was at the end of the rights to receive the home automatically an e-mail reminding them of the steps to follow to benefit from a possible extension of compensation in case of recovery of one-time activity. And after an analysis of the Insee revealed today, this e-mail has played an important role since it allowed the job seekers at the end of rights to receive a prolongation of their period of compensation, which translates, on average, by 300 euros extra per episode of unemployment.

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In fact, to be able to expect a reload of rights, an unemployed worker must have returned to an activity in an ad hoc manner – a fixed-term contract or temporary assignments, for example – during the time off. And then to assert a possible lengthening of the period of compensation, the person must submit with the employment agency an attestation by employer for each contract. But in the absence of clear information on this procedure, between April and September 2014, 21% of recipients eligible for an extension of rights did not convey the entirety of the certificates employer and have not been able to perceive a reload of their rights, ” notes the Insee. Some have found employment on a lasting, therefore have not sent in their certificates when others were simply not aware of this procedure or have simply forgotten to send them.

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But since 1 October 2014, “a letter is systematically sent to the job seekers arriving by the end of the rights in order to inform them of the need to send their certificates employer at the job center,” says Insee. With this desire for information is more important that the mail has led to a reduction of 14 percentage points in the proportion of recipients who do not assert their entire employment history and thus allowed an extension of one month average duration of potential compensation to unemployment insurance. A device particularly useful for new job seekers, who are less familiar with the administrative procedures of the employment centre. “Before the reform, the lack of certification was all the more high that the claimant had a low experience of unemployment “, stresses the institute.

The editorial team conseilleLe number of unemployed has exploded to nearly a million in the month of April alone 2020Chômage partial, PSE, assisted contracts, offers of employment… the impact of the crisis on the labour market is still violentAucun comment

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