There is plenty to smile about for the tv host Cecilie Hother and the man Thomas Honoré.

They must be the parents of another child. It tells Cecilie Hother on Instragram, where she shows babybulen forward.

– It is cold outside, but my growing belly heater. Thomas Honore to be the father of four. Jeppe and Tobias must be big brothers again. Ellinor to be a big sister, and I shall be a mother of two, writes Cecilie Hother, who continues.

– I am so much looking forward to greet the prayer for the summer.

On her blog, she explains the upcoming baby shower.

– the Whole family rejoices. And where is it great to finally be able to share it, which for us is a nice news. I am excited for my belly to grow. I am looking forward to, we can get to know what sex we should have, she writes.

As Extra the Blade catches the Cecilie Hother over the phone, it’s a very happy voice on the other end.

– It is lovely. It is so amazing and I’m so happy. I guess that it is this feeling people have when they win the lotto, laughing, she reveals that the pregnancy was planned.

– It has taken some time, and it has been a hard work, haha, we’ve certainly worked for it.

Already in connection with her first pregnancy, told Cecilie Hother, that she called the happy circumstances as a bit of a miracle.

Cecilie Hother has hormonsygdommen PCO.

– I had been told, that it would certainly require the help because of my PCO. But we decided to give nature a chance at a half a year and expected then to have to go on hormone treatment and to the last insemination, and we set ourselves on, it would take a few years before we were faced with a lovely baby on the arm, she told in 2016 to ALL of the ladies.

Therefore, she is also happy that now she can soon call themselves the mother of two.

I am grateful, happy and extremely happy. To think that I’m allowed, ” she says with joy in his voice.

Thomas Honoré is as mentioned already the father of three children, and therefore there will be fight for space in the home, when the little new comes to the.

– We need to be a little creative with children’s rooms. We are about to build a new house, and there we had not put an extra children’s room into, so we should just find out, but it is quite sincerely the smallest and the most positive issue you can imagine, she ends of.