“SD-politicians: Liberals sound like populists”

“Line after the L-peaks text about not releasing until Åkesson”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. We read on Aftonbladet’s debate, once again, how liberal of peaks speaks regeringsfrågan. The first thing we can say is that the rift and discord in this party must be larger than the Grand Canyon. If we are to read any of the number of respondents in the two different debattartiklarna so it is a majority for a moderatledd government. “

“It’s probably not just us who see the Liberals use double standards in american politics all the time. The liberals were together with The sweden democrats and voted off Stefan Löfven as prime minister. What did you think that the sweden democrats would do then? “

“the Next observation is that, in our opinion, the populist stance that the liberal representatives gave expression to in his op-ed. They can never think of a situation where The sweden democrats get the position or where we will get any influence must be a huge Stockholmsproblem.”

“This, we can easily observe by lifting your gaze from the ”duck pond” and see how it looks in the rest of the country. “

“Here we have the region Västra Götaland, VGR, as a shining example of how the Alliance is happy to take power in a minority rule with The sweden democrats as a clear and vågmästare. However, we must note that in the WR, so, everyone is talking with each other and the stockholm sandlådeskådespelet not going on in our beautiful, round region.”

“There are also municipalities where the Liberals have given their support for The sweden democrats. Where local representatives are more pragmatic, and can adapt to the results of elections that the voters have given us to manage. “

“If it works, in several places in out in the country, why wouldn’t it work in Stockholm?”

“In Gothenburg, sweden, where the Alliance included a partnership with the Left and the ACCESS to exclude the social democrats and the Sverigedemokrater from the influence. We thought liberal policy was about openness and ambition, and not only exclusionary, and power – but how wrong one can have. “

“in Conclusion, we believe that the Liberals are unlikely to remain as a party in parliament in 2022 if they are betraying their two biggest campaign promises – that the Leaves shall not remain as prime minister and that Sweden would get a alliansregering. “

“This promised the Liberals, despite the fact that, as the 5-graders who at any time could figure out, The sweden democrats would get this vågmästarposition in the parliament. Voted by the Swedish people.”

“nHåkan Lösnitz, chair of the regional assembly, the WR (SD)nHeikki Klaavuniemi, chair of the regional assembly, the WR (SD)”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here:”