What are the three biggest mistakes in losing weight?
That losing weight is purely a discipline thing. That one must strive a little for it to work. And that you will be in a couple of weeks 10 pounds lighter.

What’s wrong with that?
The majority of obese people have completely unrealistic goals. Imagine that you become slim in a short period of time. And you want to lose weight three to four times faster than is realistic.

What is realistic?
If you ever take a five to ten percent of the body weight and keeps for at least two years, this is considered as a success. This creates only about one out of every five.

If a person with 100 pounds of weight decreases about seven pounds, you will be so satisfied. But, the Affected? So little weight loss is noticeable but barely. Because you can let it stay the same!
that’s Exactly the Problem: You have to make an effort with weight loss is quite strong for a minimal success. This is a total frustration for the people Concerned. That is why many give up after a few weeks. To only look at the “lean” seven pounds of weight loss, but it is deceptive.

“You have to make an effort with weight loss is quite strong for a minimal success.”

firstly, because it will be mostly with each year of age of more Kilos, if you do nothing. Secondly, because even a few kilograms can less bring a lot of. You only have to think of high blood pressure, Diabetes, and related diseases such as heart attack or stroke. In addition, can improve the quality of life: The stair climbing is easier, the leisure activities are many and varied, the Sex is more Fun and so on.

Why can so few obese people convince you to lose weight?
Many see the need very well, I can tell you from 25 years of professional experience. I interviewed for a scientific job once in 86 patients: one in four have had over attempts ten serious Diet. The more the Overweight was, the more efforts have been made …

. . . this sounds really diet career.
Yes. In the past, all have most of the x-time high is a diet motivated, started and failed. At some point it will expire in hopeless Resignation: “I’m nothing, I can do it, I should, I should …”. These are the typical settings of overweight people.

eat Less, move more – the recipe is simple. Why doesn’t it work?
It except leaves Eight that obesity is a complex disease with many causes. There’s a simple treatment concept is not helpful.

dick is a disease?
Yes, this is the view of the world health organization WHO. Untreated obesity caused the world much suffering and high costs. If the Affected it is clear that Obesity has a pathological or genetic causes, it takes them a lot of guilt and failure feelings.

when to take off easier: If you are just a bit thick, or very Overweight?
With a slight Overweight to a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25, it is possible, with a long-term lifestyle Change a couple of kilos. Probably, it is most in the case of a BMI between 30 and 35 on the difficult to lose weight. In this area the muscles no longer react so well to the Insulin and burn, therefore less sugar from the blood. The condition is not so serious as in the case of a BMI over 35, where Diabetes and other diseases, more occur, and you can treat Obesity with drugs or with surgery.

How is the recipe for success for losing weight?
Learn your own needs, perceive, and feel what it takes to make you feel good. Obese people should put themselves into the centre of their care. To start, it is a guideline: What are the loads on the Affected in everyday life has, and what are the supporting factors are there? Professional Überengagement around, or restricted movement due to osteoarthritis of the things that can make it difficult to Remove. Good relationships, and enough financial resources to make it easier.

How to do it after the Review?
you will Explore your eating patterns. You are an impulsive eater, you eat to big portions, you are a Snacker, or more of a comfort eater?

What’s the difference?
It helps to give. He who eats, for example, out of frustration, gets a appetite when it is emotionally difficult. He needs to learn to pause and to wonder: Have I now really hungry? What I feel at the Moment? What I get now when I eat? As to what food would be good for me?

What do you advise the a lot of eaters?
Hunger and satiety are two body signals that he needs to learn again. This Training is also known as “mindful eating”. It is important to take the time to create the meals a good atmosphere. And then you do not need to practice step-by-step, to overeat and to treat yourself, but still something Fine.

What helps the Snacker?
He takes often unsatisfactory or irregular main meals – for example, “merely” a Sandwich for Lunch and eat often between meals, such as sweets, cheese, sausage. It is important in such a case, a minimum of four hours rest to be observed until the next main meal. And to enjoy them without the distraction of TV or Computer.

What Essmuster is the most difficult to change?
The impulsive. These people engage like that if a good opportunity offers – and this is virtually the case everywhere. We are nowadays surrounded by Treats. The art is to take from time to time, aware of nothing, and to say “no”. So, for example, in a bakery and to buy just not in Berlin.

the types described in the practice Are clearly separate from each other?
no, usually several eating patterns in a mixed form, and this also show the way of normal weight.

How to motivate obese people to exercise more?
(Sigh) Earlier advised to look for a sport that makes it Fun. But there are people for whom any kind of movement is an abomination.

What do you advise in such a case?
This is like brushing your the teeth or in the Garbage disposal: no one makes it from the start, but it needs to be anyway. You should consider: What type of movement is the most practical, or least bad? Patients often notice only after some time that you can get with movement a good feeling when you have overcome only once.

What do you recommend decreasing the willing?
On the diet market, there are many dubious offers. Are you looking for professional help and take this disease from several sides: with home medical assistance, nutrition therapy, movement therapy and/or psychological support. It may be useful to report to a designated bariatric center. All the disciplines are offered in one place.

What family and friends can contribute?
The long-term weight reduction is extremely difficult. You are not Concerned alone in the Situation. Assign no fault, and do not assail him, but you better ask: “What do you want from us? What can we do? What would you support?”

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 23.02.2019, at 18:16