“A ban on begging, the situation will be worse”

“Reply from Joakim Månsson Bengtsson on EU citizens.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Mats Hedenström writes that it is best for traders would be a national ban on begging, to avoid the poor people who ask for help outside of the stores.”

“A line of reasoning which fuels antiziganism in Sweden. The vast majority of that sits outside stores and asking for help are roma. We must commit ourselves to combat antiziganism; the specific racism that the roma are subjected to. Not strengthen it, which, among other things, Amnesty international believes that the proposal tiggeriförbud likely to do.”

“When I was with and opened the shelter for EU citizens in vulnerability, in Lund, we saw clear results on what is a more secure living arrangement allows for, namely work. The number of people who found themselves in such a desperate situation that they needed to ask for help outside of the stores decreased. “

“It is also just långtidshärbärge Amnesty with several suggests, because it is in line with the UN convention on human rights. “

“Långtidshärbärge and samhällsguidning, and work against anti-gypsyism, resulting in less discrimination and more people will work, reducing poverty and enabling sustainable boendesituationer. This is the right way to go.”

“Hedenström want to go the other way, partly through tiggeriförbud, on the one hand by strangling the EU-funds that Romania and Bulgaria may for to counter the just the poverty that makes many of them come here. “

“Reasonably, the situation would be worse for the already vulnerable people in Sweden as well as in other countries of the Swedish Trade got to decide. Neither the support here or there. “

“the EU should instead continue to put pressure on each member country which provides for the funds to use these for the intended purpose. Thanks to Soraya Post (Fi) work in the EU parliament, these funds has to be examined more carefully. “

“the Situation in Romania and Bulgaria will be better. However, it will take time and to achieve the goal, we need to act where the people concerned find themselves. “

“Here in Sweden, in parallel with the pressure against the other member states.”

“nJoakim Månsson Bengtsson, a candidate in the EUROPEAN elections for the Feminist Initiative”

“n Join in the debate and comment on the artikelnn – like Aftonbladet Debate on Facebook.”

“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here:”