“As you have learned, you know?”, is the question to answer every Couple sooner or later. And the longer, the more self-evident the answer is also: “Och, over the Internet. As you do today, so be it.” So no sneak Around anymore, that you have found online. Everybody’s doing it – and apparently it is even much smarter to look for a new relationship instead of in the Bar, in the office or at the bus stop.

in any case, claiming a variety of couple of studies from all over the world. Therefore, couples are happier Online than those who learned without the aid of a dome platform: you argue less, can be less quickly in a divorce, and they agree to a different values and everyday life matters is clearly better.

Just the partner Agency Parship has released new Numbers: the issue of children couples could find Online more likely to have a common denominator (71 versus 52 per cent), while travel 52 to 38 percent), behavior (when dealing with money (31 versus 25 percent), while the topic order (28 to 22 percent) and, of course, during Sex (43 or 28 per cent).

On paper is a victory for the Internet love is so clear that one is almost tried, the man (in the in the gymnastics club in love) or the wife (the one who have to hook up with friends) at home sitting on the Sofa and online a new Partner to click.

“offline couples stumble more in relationships”

The Parship psychologist Barbara Beckenbauer has for the beneficial results of the in-house study, a plausible explanation: “offline couples stumble more in a relationship and by external attraction and sympathy route. Online potential partners are suggested based on Matching Algorithms, which ensure that it harmonises in various personality traits, and life situations with each other.”

The own claims and attitudes with shares already at the time of registration, so that you don’t need to discuss later about it, but can start with the love. Sounds reasonable. But also just more to Biedermeier instead of torches in the storm. To-be-back-splash instead of friction. A matter of opinion what is better.

Serious comparisons are not possible

But now lens: online love actually stable, happy, long-lasting, harmonious? Or is it just rose-colored glasses that want us to put on Dating platforms like Tinder or Parship, who are often themselves behind the studies?

Guy Bodenmann, a couple therapist, the state of the Professor at the University of Zurich, confirms that similar attitudes and values in important areas are actually relationship beneficial and stabilizing. “It is, however, to bear in mind that the partners continue to develop and the Similarity may decrease. If the online couples, therefore, also in the longer term, better maps, is open.”

it is Precisely here that there is a lack of reliable and, above all, long-term data. Online Dating is a comparatively young at the time of our study, more than half of the respondents had a maximum of 5 years, and only 1.5 percent for longer than 15. And even today, the vast majority of friends and on the Job learning to know each other and not over the Internet. A direct comparison is not possible, especially in older age groups, such as women over 50, the, so down-to-man often hears, has to try to find on Dating sites a Partner.

but That doesn’t change the fact that regularly, new studies proclaim online, the true happiness – with each unique Numbers as proof. Guy Bodenmann has for the positive performance of a moderately romantic explanation: anyone Who is actively seeking a Partner, and money to spend, hire, perhaps more so. “Add to that a great deal of trust in the algorithm and, therefore, with positive expectations of the relationship comes in.” Self-fulfilling prophecy means to this phenomenon.

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Created: 30.06.2019, 17:39 PM