The computer phone of Anita Angliker* is trying to establish a connection. A green bar at the bottom of the screen builds up to the Maximum, but it remains silent in your headphones. The voice of a thunderstorm permeates from the call center in the industrial district Dietlikon ZH all the more stronger. 1300 square feet of gray-blue carpet, Pultinseln with six to eight jobs for the Call Agents and the team leaders, exactly who is on the phone, when, how long, with whom and how successfully.

the next attempt. The bar builds up again. Before Anita Angliker on the console, there is a view of a workbook, a journal, an info sheet with the Details of the action that you want to sell a trial subscription to the nature magazine*, 12 issues for 25 Swiss francs, including the 10-franc shopping coupon as well as a kind of cheat sheet of the arguments against what the Called party almost always say first: No time. No Interest. No Money.

Always be kind, rejection to rejection to cope with: work in a call centre in Dietlikon ZH.

Actually, you don’t need the piece of paper, she knows this. For the past four years, the 53-year-old mother of two Teenagers at call expert works, she is one of around 70 employees, the call here is for 25.70 to 29 francs per hour, as one of the few with a full-time basis. From 8 o’clock in the morning until 8 o’clock in the evening, there are shifts of two and a half hours, most of the create two. Point half 11, half 3, half 5 and half 7-for all 15-minute break, an hour lunch. Most do not hold longer than a few months.

“I can’t talk right now, I’m in the hospital”

Anita Angliker acts calm and relaxed. “I’m just very fond of and like to pack the actions of our customers in a flowery language.” Previously, she was a dental assistant, then came the children. Sometimes her Friends complain that she calls so rarely. “In the evening, the energy is not enough usually stop for a Phone call.”

“Yes?” On the screen a Name and address POPs up. “Good day, here Angliker. I’m right with Mrs. Schmidlin?” “Yes.” – “Nice that I can reach you personally. I want to make you happy with a spring action.” Short Silence. “I can’t talk right now”, whispers the woman, “I’m in the hospital.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” says Angliker, wishes for a good recovery and passed. On the screen different boxes appear. She crosses the “callback” down “Is in the hospital”.

A phone call is almost as a violation of privacy.

Immediately, the Computer tries to reconnect, it’s possible that this call goes to Empty. An unknown number? Prefer not to answer it. Determined, and this is a call center. For 30 percent of the young people, the handset is your cell phone button only for decoration, as a study showed last year. Also, many adults prefer communicating in writing, a phone call is almost as a violation of privacy.

“I want to arouse no sympathy for our industry, just understanding,” says Willi Wolf, managing Director of call expert. Telephone marketing to help companies secure their Survival, just like letterbox advertising, or Newsletter. Despite the growing phone-phobia and poor accessibility, many companies rely on call centres, own or external. Nothing is faster, more efficient, more direct and unequivocal than the personal interview.

A little bit of homeliness in the anonymous open-plan office.

“Ammann?” “Good day, here is Angliker from nature magazine.” – “No Interest.” “May I ask if you know the magazine?” “Yes. No. I don’t have time to read” winds of the woman. “It’s good that you brought that up. We appear to only once per week, and the themes are timeless.” “No, dangge, dangge, dangge.” Angliker was undeterred, continued speaking in a sing-song and smiles. Their hair almost the same color as your lipstick. When she hears children in the Background, it responds immediately. She was herself the mother, the magazine is great for students, but it’s all for nothing. “Mrs. Ammann, then I won’t keep you any longer. Have a nice day!”

at Least 90 percent of the calls end with Cancel

About 20’000 call center employees in Switzerland. Since 2018, a collective labour agreement governs the working conditions, there is even a teaching specialist in customer dialogue. But hardly anyone is interested in it. The reputation is bad, the work hard. “It takes guts, strange people to call and sell you something,” weiss Willi Wolf. Especially if the rule instructions. “Man is not designed to Cancel.”

Regularly the company rounds of interviews organised by à approximately ten candidates. Two to three not want to but, two to three will receive a cancellation, the Remaining can quickly start. Two of them have today is the first day of work. The team leader is running around as a football coach on the sidelines. He handed over the Call Agents, where it is facing problems, new customer portfolios, newcomers tips, and to talk a Mittzwanzigerin, the bags an hour ago, still straight on the office chair sat, but something.

Each agent his workbook.

If you have to be throughout the day, friendly and always Cancel conceded, it means Stress for the Psyche. A study has shown that Call agents are far more often sick than workers in other industries. “You do not need to like to do it, otherwise it stays the same for long,” says Anita Angliker. Most of the transition in terms of here, there are students, mothers looking to re-entry, Apprentices, long-term employees who want to re-Orient themselves, some sent to the RAV.

“the basement?”, a woman answers the phone. “Good day, here is Angliker from nature magazine. Is Mr. Keller to speak?” – “Died.” Some start to cry in such cases, Angliker then tries to comfort. Mrs Keller sounds cheerful. “May I delight you with a nice spring action?” “No. I can read since the last Schlegli only with the magnifying glass. You know, I prefer the Schlegli like moths to a flame.” Angliker check the box “for Age reasons”.

A woman is grateful: “you have very phone-friendly.”

Somehow, the worm is just in there with her. Since the last break, they have conceded 24 Cancel in series. “That gnaws at you.” For this you have sold to in the morning is equal to four subscriptions. Not just like that. “I had to fight for it, I always have to fight,” she says, but you like doing it. “Yes, please?”, a harried voice. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Ostermann, I won’t keep you long. I’m calling because I have a nice offer for you.” – “I can’t talk, I’m Driving, I’m Buschauffeuse.”

The Computer selects undeterred. Some hang up immediately. Others are audibly irritated, surprisingly, many listen to the patient. One tells the story of his financial difficulties, he renovate his house. A woman is grateful: “you have very phone-friendly.” Abusive or offensive people would rarely insured Angliker.

“do you Have a minute?” is the initial question of taboo

When Carlo Trauffer*, however, it going. Early 30s, dark beard, white turtleneck, the Ends of a tattoo peeping. Also he should sell trial. “No, this newspaper I want to, no way!” the man says on the other end of the line with a clearly audible exclamation point. “Yes, what happened?”, ask Trauffer and sounds so cheerful as the puppet. The conversation goes back and forth. At the end of the man triggers a trial “for only 29 Bucks”, as Trauffer says. He is gesturing in the Element, and laughs a lot. For him, it was like a Kick, if he could convince someone. “If everyone would be able to predict that, it would be only half as exciting.”

Previously, he sold insurance, here he appreciates the flexible working hours. When he began four months ago as a Call Agent, would have suspended the people all the time. He was practicing his tactics to fit in “like a chameleon”. “Do you have a minute?”, he asks then. “I have to directly step on the Gas, otherwise you will jump to me from the Angel. “Mrs Smith? I can reassure you degree I’ll call not because of a subscription.” Laughter on the other end of the line. This works almost every Time. He has thought it out for yourself. “You have to be a bit of a rascal.”

“Oh, no, I don’t like to read so much”, replies the woman. “I have good news, we have slimmed down the newspaper extra.” The woman squirms. “Call me again in the autumn, before I’m on vacation.” “No, Mrs Smith, it’s too late.” – “Well, at the end of March.” – “And where it goes?” “According To Gran Canaria!” – “Happy Holidays!” Trauffer want to leave a good impression. Now he needs to hurry up. Soon it is half past 8. Then the people no longer want to use the phone, then you want to see the “tagesschau”.


(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 02.03.2019, at 17:08