Zurich is Still the memories torment him. Of the act of violence has changed Daniel Tanner (Name) still not recovered. His tormentors will be released in the summer after a long imprisonment in the freedom – he, Tanner, remains trapped in his fear: “I have a life sentence.”

The fact came out of the blue, she came up with the announcement.

As Daniel Tanner relies on that dull day in November 1997, behind the wheel of his white compact car, has no idea he has that will change a short time later his life forever. Around noon, he drives by the Lucerne of Malters, a motorcycle driver is outdated, from the right and thunders at the same time a truck. Tanner is brusquely on the brakes, swerves slightly to avoid a collision. On the motorcycle T. W. (Name of the editorial office is known), a former Swiss champion in Bodybuilding and is still a muscle package. He feels of Tanner’s driving style provokes, waits at the next intersection. Immediately a row broke out, T. W. spits in the car, banging his helmet on the hood. As Tanner gets out, he rams him with the fist in the stomach. Threatening: If you report me, I will find you, and kill – I’ve had enough experience.

“A victim who defends himself, has always two against”

What don’t know Tanner: His attacker only recently come out of prison. The Lucerne criminal court sentenced T. W. 1994 due to multiple robbery to prison for five years. In several cantons, he had committed armed Robberies at Restaurants and gas stations, pumped full of steroids that he injected into the Buttocks. In one of these raids, he shot a load of buckshot into the ground, wounding two kitchen assistants. Now, shortly after his release from prison, the police and the judicial authorities has already with him again. Several criminal complaints against him pending, including for rape and assault.

Of all this guess Daniel Tanner nothing, as he refunded against T. W. display.

then What happens, says the 48-year-old electrical engineer: The Amtsstatthalter in Lucerne recommends him, his display to withdraw, the fact could not prove a contra-indication is not excluded, that could be expensive. “A victim who defends himself, has always two against,” says Tanner, “the justice and the offender.”

Tanner initially hesitates, then pulls his display. In order for the authorities is done. But not for T. W: He makes good on his threat. to find

His victim, is not difficult. The address on the display. And Tanner is as Einwohnerrat a public Person. His work, Tanner has lost the place a few weeks after the attack in Malters, he is traumatized, can’t bring the power. Now, a year later, he is just going to a small repair shop for electrical appliances. He works from home, customers can bring their broken devices in the evening over.

“view”-excerpt from the fall of 2011.

One Evening, a man called Claudio. His video was device broken if he could come over? Against 20.30 clock there was a knock on Tanner’s door. “Then everything happened lightning fast,” he says. “I didn’t have a Chance.” T. W. is not alone, a masked accomplice accompanied him. “When I opened the door, sprayed it me can of pepper spray in the eyes, took me in the headlock, hit me on the head, I went to the ground,” recalls Tanner. “I resisted with everything I had.” As a neighbor to summon rush, alarmed by the noise, the perpetrators of it and escape.

The judicial authorities is at this time well known, that T. W. a dangerous multiple offender. The anatomy of his delinquency follows from the investigations by the police, witness statements and documents. You tell the history.

it begins, as T. W. is 19 years old. He is convicted for the first Time, due to the handling of stolen goods. Then he commits traffic and property offences. In 1994, T. W. 26, follows the conviction for multiple armed robbery. Three years later, he is again outside.

In September 1997, he raped her in his apartment, a young woman. In order to make them docile, he keeps her a Softgun pistol to the head, then he pulls out a knife with a long serrated blade. In the following weeks and months, he leaves behind a trail of devastation in its Wake He destroyed a video store, threatening his Ex-wife, you and your friend to kill. He beat a Bus driver of the Lucerne transport companies, hospital, Mature, robs a IV-retired several times, on the open road for a Spanish tourist, and threatened by a motorcycle dealer, to whom he owes money, with the death.

In a survey conducted at the police station T. announces W., he’ll get a gun, “finally, something goes”. To the police, the security measures to be increased guard.

A surveyor T. W. evaluated as a hard-to-treat

The procedures to run all of these deeds, however, T. W., remains at large. Only ten days after the outburst at the police station, he attacked Daniel Tanner in his apartment. This shows him for the second Time, shortly thereafter, T. W. will be arrested.

What remains since the attack, is this enormous rage. Anger at the offender. Anger to the judicial authorities, who put his life out of the game.

The criminal court of Lucerne sentenced T. W. 1999, breeding, five years and ten months in the house. The offences of rape, and multiple robberies, multiple simple body injury, multiple threats, multiple violence and threats against officials, injunctive relief, multiple trespassing. The judge will order a treatment while in the prison system.

An expert diagnosed with T. W. an “antisocial personality disorder”, he judged him to be dangerous, difficult to treat, and barely cooperative. On the instructions of the Federal court, T. W. 2003 is held. As of 2007, the new criminal law, nullifies the Lucerne court of the custody and order instead of a stationary measure. Twice you is extended to T. W. is more than dangerous.

in 2017, he pulls in front of the Federal court order for his immediate release to enforce. There is no severe mental disorder and more, argued his lawyer, the in-patient therapeutic measure is neither effective nor proportionate. In addition, the detention would last 20 years, T. W. had served his court-imposed punishment in order to four times as long.

However, a new psychiatric report, it is stated that The long years of psychotherapy have shown positive effects, however, an antisocial personality disorder with narcissistic Personality traits prior to the sun””. That T. W. would commit after his release, to Kill, to be “less likely”, but in the case of conflict out of the Situation arising and the enforcement of one’s own Position serving selective violence are to be expected “actions”.

800 francs from the victim for help, but no firearms license

However, the impending dismissal on the grounds recommended by the assessor, T. W. negative in-patient treatment “categorically”. You continue, bring little of relaxations of the regime and an accompaniment of T. W. “in the sense of the promotion of constructive conflict resolution strategies” are more promising, what are the legal prognosis, so the risk of relapse is concerned. The Federal Supreme court specifies the day of discharge: 13. August 2019.

Since then, Daniel Tanner fears for his life. He is afraid of the man he has displayed. He now lives on a modest disability pension, suffering from sleep disorders, Asthma, circulation problems, hair fall out him.

From the victim to help Tanner get to 800 francs. “Not enough time to pay for a lawyer, you should consider an administrative complaint.” The lawyer had asked in writing at the Lucerne prison service, whether or not there is a safety concept for Tanner and what measures were taken to protect against violence, threats or stalking. Information, have granted the authorities to never.

To self-defense wanted to get Tanner a telescopic baton. To do this, he need a weapon tragbewilligung, it was said to the police, this could not be granted because there is no actual risk exists. It is recommended for him to pepper spray.

Even today, every Morning, tortures him after Waking up, the thought of what he could do yet, so the nightmare ends. At the end of January Tanner the Lucerne at a district has submitted a Petition. More than 300 people, he says, have signed up. The Petition calls for: “the experiments”, T. W. should be kept for life.

“Twice I had to play for the authorities, a Guinea pig and was the victim of violence, because the justice was always a Chance,” describes Daniel Tanner in his Situation. “A third Time I will not survive this.”

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 23.02.2019, 23:08 PM