exhumations are unappetizing. But if you exhumed Holocaust victims to be buried in return for the dictatorship and to save the democracy, then the morally and artistically in order? It was thought at the centre for Political beauty (ZPS) and opened on Monday morning in the drizzling fog of the Berlin government district, a “memorial against the betrayal of democracy”.

Or: at eight o’clock in the morning, when the first photographers and journalists, the cross-shaped due to the Installation walked, which is assembled from rods, Transparent, PVC-plates, candles and flowers, was of exhumierter ash crack still nothing to see. It was wrapped with a gauze fabric, the Stela was still to be polished of a young woman.

if You wondered about the tombstone, which is embedded at the end of the memorial in the Meadow: “Here’s the German dictatorship is in peace”, is on your. Funny: If the ZPS wants to protest his action, however, is that the CDU/CSU could form a coalition with the AfD, and if DM it is to be that “the silent would end the majority of the 60 million Germans against a AfD-dictatorship is not to fight back” (it says so on one of the Transparent), then the tombstone would have to be dedicated but, rather, of democracy?

the art really, it will show in the next few days The gauze was then removed at about nine o’clock, and the whole of the hydraulic logic of the Installation revealed itself. To light this brownish came, namely, from the inside illuminated the mass. A photographer quipped up with, “Looks like the party programs of the CDU and the AfD together hits the fan”.

You might think: a thousand years of German mud. To the ZPS its press release distributed, stating that it is the ashes of Holocaust Victims to be encouraged in Harmense at Auschwitz. For two years, the ZPS have been looking for answers to the question, where the ashes of the Murdered victims of Hitler’s Germany sun, it was said there. Rarely a Moment of the importance of the assignment more impressive was the. This non-specific brown, and then to the great depression, the mass, in the mind suddenly really bone that you just had not seen. Or not wanted to see.

Fake notification

However, succeeded in the action. The ZPS may be, appointed in spite of any accusations of impiety, to the fact that fighters and Victims of the Holocaust and resistance, such as the 1944 Salmen gradovsky, to life, to leave notes, in which they were the posterity of instruments to search for their ashes, and with it the memory of the millions Murdered awake.

The question today would be, rather, whether the descendants of Jewish Holocaust-kick-off victim, it could take the Remains of their ancestors here, poured point of view, resin, reminiscent of inner-lit Clear also considerably of a Catholic reliquary monstrance? Maybe the hair-splitting.

The logic of ZPS-founder Philipp Ruch and the logic of his “aggressive humanism” that it is “still better” as somehow different. So than, for example, The ash is more in the case of Auschwitz, and no one, really no one is interested in you. “A vague idea of the crimes, I think, is still better than no idea. Trying to understand is still better than to never start with the search,” he writes in his book “end of patience”, published at the end of August.

Ruch explains here the logic of the ZPS, and this logic can be beyond difficult. Also the self-understanding that the free, political, dramatic art is a fifth pillar of democracy. Such an understanding of art can be seen in the Berlin ash stele also good.

is How free the art is really, it will show in the next few days. The ZPS has sent a fake house message to the deputies of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, fictitiously signed by Wolfgang Schäuble. He had agreed for you a binding date for a visit to this “memorial against any attempt of a fascist seizure of power”, writes “Schäuble” in the date was “mandatory, and necessarily perceive!”

Created: 03.12.2019, 10:11 PM