“A resignation does not solve anything”

“Claes Wahlin about Eirik Stubø ends up as president of the royal dramatic theatre”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“In institutions with a long tradition of sitting things in the walls. Translated into clearer language, it’s about habits and routines, an ancestral approach to how things should be done. It is about structures, but not only. In the case of reorganization, it is precisely what is in the walls, which often represent the resistance.”

“now, When the royal Dramatic theatre’s board of directors, judging by the press release, it is from there the decision will, finds it best to Eirik Stubø’s resignation as artistic director and ceo, so there is unlikely to solve what is in the walls. To dismiss managers is something of a symbolic gesture, for in a case like this, the question is how responsibility is actually distributed between Stubø and the board of directors. The latter has, after all, the ultimate responsibility.”


“the Actor in the storm centre has acted at the royal dramatic theatre during a number of previous managers, but that the board – which reasonably must have known what has been going on – have acted or reacted.”

“It’s also about the media. When an institution is affected by the ran stir it up things; deficiencies in the organization or various wrongs to be given space, even if they do not always have the substance to do. Then, it is not enough that, as in this case, immediately put down the piece that the actor was in.”

“the royal dramatic theatre, has recently faced a series of departures of different reasons. To let Maria Groop Russel take over the ceo position in anticipation of a new artistic director is merely a stopgap measure whose sole immediate effect is that it will be quiet in the media.”