the VERONA – on The 7th of January last, one reads about the Life – in Garissa, in the northern province of Kenya (on the border with Somalia), 4 civilians were killed in a fire fight waged by the police against militants from al-Shabaab. The terrorists were going to attack a system with telecommunications company Safaricom. At least 30 people, Monday, January 6, were murdered in an attack in North-Eastern Nigeria, when a bomb was detonated on a bridge for a regional state of Borno. Five soldiers malians were killed, on the morning of 6 January, in an attack caused by the explosion of a bomb along a road in the western region of Alatona, on the border with Mauritania.

And the list of attacks continues.

on The border with Somalia – Three americans died in an attack conducted by the terrorist group al-Shabaab, on Sunday, January 5, against the base Camp Simba, in the county of Lamu, along the border with Somalia, in the south-east of Kenya. One of the victims was a soldier, the other two were contractors, employees of the ministry of defence. The air raid was carried out at dawn. The base is used both by the armed forces, local and in the us.

Burkina Faso – at Least 14 people, including 7 children, were killed by the explosion of a bomb improvised that he blew up the bus on which they were traveling, in the north of Burkina Faso. The attack took place on Saturday the 4th of January. The bus hit was part of a convoy of three buses in total, was carrying 160 passengers.

Nigeria – Nineteen people were killed by armed men not identified in a night raid conducted on the 3rd of January against a rural community in Nigeria central. Have not yet identified those responsible. The attackers have set on fire the houses and other buildings in the community tawari, in Kogi state, 100 km south of the capital, Abuja.

A list mournful and not complete. Are only some of the news agency who tell, as in a tragic war bulletin, the terrorist actions carried out in the sub-saharan africa with the beginning of the new year, involving time, even the civilian population, according to the testimonies of the humanitarian organizations. And in this list mournful were omitted the dead in the fratricidal conflict in Libya and the waves of violence of the end of the year in the region darfuriana, in the West of Sudan. Or the attack of the 28th of December in Mogadishu, the most lethal of the last 2 years, when the explosion of a car bomb in a very lively area of the city, did it go to fire several vehicles and burned some of the buildings in the vicinity. The initial budget of the victims amounted to 81 people. Or the attack last December, 10 of the followers of the islamic State in the Great Sahara (Isgs) at the military base in Niger near Inates in the region of Tillaberi, where they remained killed 71 soldiers with a dozen of injured.

A climate that pre-exists to the tensions in the Middle East . Terrorist acts that do not connect directly, so it is at least the opinion of analysts, the crisis between the United States and Iran, which broke out in its utmost rigour, after the assassination of the iranian general Qassem Soleimani. Yet for years the sub-saharan Africa is the scene of violence by terrorist. In the Horn of Africa with al-Shabaab, in the belt of lake Chad with the various formations of the Boko Haram and now in the sahel area, especially with the actions of the Group for the support of islam and muslims (Gsim), which from the beginning of march 2017 brings together the jihadists affiliated to al-Qaeda active in the Sahel.

The alarm on the islamic state and a disengagement of the USA. on November 14, the american secretary of state Mike Pompeo had launched the alarm: “The Isis is focusing on west Africa and the sahel region. Is an area that deserves attention”. An alarm to which have not been followed. On the contrary. At the end of 2019 came the cold shower of a possible us disengagement in the exchequer african. On 24 December The New York Times writes that secretary of defense Mark Esper would like to decrease the number of soldiers present on the continent. Washington accingerebbe even to close the base in Niger from which to start the drones used for the attacks against militias, terrorist, and cost 110 million dollars.

A thousand terrorists killed in 148 missions. it Is also true that the same drones, despite their massive use, have not drained or to win the terrorist action. In the last 3 years, for example, have intensified american bombing in the areas of Somalia that are occupied by the militia qaidisti. According to a report of Africom (United States Africa Command, active since October 2008, centre for military operations of the united states in the whole african continent, with headquarters at Kelley Barracks in Stuttgart, Germany) the transactions completed between 2017 and 2019 have been 148 and the guerrillas were killed about a thousand. A campaign started already during the Obama administration. But despite the intensification of the raid, al-Shabaab has been able to reorganize while continuing to radicalize the youth of the rural areas.

But the look continues to turn only in the Middle East. The same as the French, in the Sahel, with operation Barkhane of 2014, with 4,500 soldiers, a year ago someone told you have eliminated 600 jihadists from the beginning of the operation, and that each quarter, were seized two tons of weapons and ammunition. Obviously, an action is insufficient to stop the hand of terrorist. But above all, the attention of the public to miss. While the eye of the world continues to watch with concern what is happening in the middle east, it seems to worry very little about the long trail of blood (and the long list of the dead) produced almost daily by terrorist violence in the african continent.

* Gianni Ballarini writes for Nigrizia

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