“After myndighetsmiss – unknown neighbor became a father to Nicklas son”

“Nicklas Samuelsson and his partner Emma Sjöström thought that everything was ready for their baby’s arrival. But when they got home the letter from the Swedish Tax agency, it was not Nicklas, who was the father – without the neighbor. Now raging Nicklas against the municipality, write the Dala-Demokraten.”

” It is really embarrassing for them. I will not be satisfied until I get an apology, ” he says to Aftonbladet.”

“Before the birth of their first child was Nicklas Samuelsson and his partner Emma Sjöström in family court in Falun to write on the paper on the fifth of October. But the letter with the confirmation from the Swedish Tax agency took time.”

“– When it arrived in the mail was the name of a father on the paper. When Emma first read up on what it was I thought that she ran with me.”

“Instead of Nicklas name had an unknown man, who is a neighbor to the couple, ended up on the paper, something Dala-Demokraten attention. Nicklas rang him up to congratulate to the child.”

“– He replied that he did not have a child now, and then I said that he got the baby in november, you got my son with my partner.”

“”Want to know how it can be wrong””

“Nicklas said to the surprised man if he received the letter from the tax authority, and rightly so – that he had received. In the letter, he could read that he was the father of a child. This miss meant the man had access to half the child allowance and the first ten pappadagarna.”

“Nicklas and the other man went together to the family law in order to get them to correct the mistake but it was easier said than done. It took several weeks before Nicklas was registered as a dad.”

” I thought it was a trifle, but it was a big trifle in such cases. There were no questions between us as to who actually was the father. But authorities are authorities still.”

“According to the Dala-Demokraten, there are several factors, men between the that are similar to each other. For example, they live on the same street and the man’s partner has a name which is reminiscent of Emma’s. But Nicklas do not understand how this could even be done from the first beginning.”

” It is really embarrassing for them. I will not be satisfied until I from an excuse. I want to know how such an error could occur in the pappersbyråkratiska Sweden to 2018 – regardless of whether there are coincidences. They should have had a computer system that said, ”stop there, this child already has two parents.” “

“Head: ”We are no more than men””

“the Head of the family court in Falun municipality, Lena Lundh Pettersson, cannot comment on cases that relate to individuals, write the Dala-Demokraten. But according to her, she can’t remember that this happened sometime in the past. If it is similar to names and addresses that contributed to the mistake she can’t answer.”

“– It should not be able to happen, but we are not more than people. We are a number of people that are involved and the human factor is something you always must take into account. But when it comes to fatherhood so we have very carefully established procedures, ” she says to the newspaper.”