The 41-year-old comedian Rune Klan, who last year toured in Denmark with the show ‘Childless’, together with his wife Christel Stjernebjerg been the father of a boy from south Africa.
It confirms Rune Clan manager, Jakob Friis, opposite to the weekly Close.
In the show ‘Childless’ and in several interviews has the comedian previously told about how he and his wife ardently desired to become parents.
– We would like to have children. It’s just not happened yet, told the comedian back in February to the news agency Ritzau.
Here he told also, that the couple had long tried to have children, but that it just failed.
– It is just not the case that when one decides that now will you have children, then you push a button, and then it happens, noted he.
Rune Klan has become a father to a little boy. Photo: Jacob Jørgensen
According to the comedian he has been repeatedly met with the people’s wonder, when he explained that he has not yet had children at the age of 41. Just the sense of wonder, he made great fun of in his show ‘Childless’.
– It always requires an explanation, when I asked if I have children, and the answer is no. That, I think, in fact, there is so much humor in, said the comedian to the news agency Ritzau and continued:
– It is so strange that people almost get hurt by one, because you do not have children, but I don’t want more. So therefore I have decided to celebrate the fact that we haven’t got children yet in place, he said.
Now familieforøgelsen, however, finally succeeded, and Rune Klan and Christel Stjernebjerg enjoying right now, according to Close To their little son in Africa. It has therefore not been possible to get a comment from the comedian himself.
Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Rune Clan manager, but he has not returned our inquiries.