In a lengthy statement issued this morning, the actress Aina Clotet reported that Leticia Dolera not hired for their series Let yourself go, the second he has written and is co-directing in these moments, for being pregnant. Dolera had selected for one of the three leading roles, although he had not signed any contract. And as soon as he knew that He was expecting her second child, decided to break the agreement. The actress in the complaint: “I Assumed that the production of a series markedly feminist and that raises the difficulty of being a woman and mother in this society, would consider all the options to not opt out for being pregnant”.

MORE INFORMATION, please refer to the complete release of Aina Clotet

In the text, the actress explains: “At the end of June I was selected to play a character the protagonist of the series. The shoot was scheduled from mid-September to late November, and my character had about 25 sessions of work, which meant half the time of the filming. At the beginning of July, I discover that I am pregnant four weeks. I know perfectly the characteristics of the character, and I decide to share the news immediately to the director, with the intention of assisting the production and to discuss the organization of the shoot considering my state.”

He explains that in a previous pregnancy had already given up work. “This time, it began to roll to be a little more than three and a half months (not four or six months, as it has been published), so I understood that, with planning adapted, it could roll most of my scenes before my pregnancy was noticeable. If, at the time that my pregnancy was visible were scenes pending rolling, I understood that you could turn to any of the techniques that we use routinely in these circumstances, how to adapt the costumes, set planes of the camera, to suggest the character, who is already a mother of two girls, do not need to have a belly completely flat, use double bare spot, etc And so what I proposed. I understand that this adaptation was a effort for the whole team, but in the audiovisual sector it is usual to adapt to all kinds of unforeseen”.

MORE INFORMATION “bothers Me, what of the ladies first” Leticia Dolera: “we must end the myth of the alpha male”

And continues with its description of the facts: “Two days after the news, the director informs me by telephone that does not believe that they can count on me, because there is a problem with the insurance policy, which provides a cost most high to cover any problems arising out of pregnancy, and also complicated to change the shooting plan”. Effectively, insurance policies shootings are very high, but Clotet, write, and tried to help in other ways: “My representative and I ask for a meeting with the producer and the director. In it we propose new all the possibilities of adaptation of planning and artistic above, but Leticia still do not see feasible to hide my pregnancy in the last phase of recording, arguing that the character has scenes of bed. Given that my interest in and commitment to this series was absolute and understanding that part of the problem was an economic reason, I put arrangement my wages to cover any additional costs that my pregnancy might pose to the production. At that same meeting we asked if Movistar+, as a platform, which commissioned the project, was aware of the situation and we answer no. We ask that you report them and we agreed to that so what would you do”.

The statement, made public on the day following the participation of the actress in the Gala People in a Network, organised by the Foundation Fight against Aids, presided over by his father, the doctor Bonaventura Clotet, continues: “Days later, in my seventh week of gestation, and when there were still two months to the shooting began, the producer tells me that, definitely, is legal and artistically impractical my presence in the series. Leticia, in return, I raised the possibility of interpreting a character’s chapter that I decided to reject, not by the fact of being a minor character, as has been suggested publicly, but for the great sense of insecurity that I had felt during the whole process”.

expand photo Aina Clotet, last night at the gala People in the Network, along with their parents, Bonaventura Clotet and Anna Fresquet. Gtres online

And ends: “it Is necessary to show the pressure that you have the woman who is pregnant and has to decide whether to hide her pregnancy to keep the job or explains it to promote the organization of the same, risking to lose it. I opted to put it out of loyalty to the project and I lost an important job for me, as well as other work that I refused to be a part of this. I believe, fervently, that no woman should be seen in the need to hide something as well to protect your career and feel that it is a commitment of all to fight for a just and equitable society, that it does not reduce the opportunities of women in times as crucial as a pregnancy or maternity”.

The text makes reference to the statements of Leticia Dolera, the last week, various media who visited the filming of his series on the go, which will end its production at the end of November. Dolera, showrunner, writer in collaboration with Manuel Burque and co-director next to Elena Martín and Ginesta Icing of the eight episodes, assured this Monday in cadena SER: “I spent two months doing tests in the distribution. I struggled to find an actress that I liked as much. We communicated to Aina that had the character and within a few days told us that she was pregnant, which is a reason of joy. But this happened in June and the shoot was extended until the end of November, which make it impossible for Privebet an actress pregnant five or six months to interpret this particular character, one who rediscovers her sexuality and has many sequences of sex”.

And asked about the reaction He had: “She understood that a character like that was very complex to do. The process was lengthened because I tried to change the shooting schedule, hitting all their sequences at the beginning, but it was impossible because it was very protagonist. Gave Me a lot of anger”. What remachaba: “we Live in the times that matter the clicks and in that the truth does not ruin a good headline. Feminism now gives a lot of curiosity. But, what am I going to do?”. In The Forefront, Dolera lamented: “these Are times of fake news […]. I’ve been eager to work with Aina, because it is such a great actress”. According to various sources of production, Dolera offered him a minor character to Clotet, although not of so much importance as it secures the filmmaker, but only to work a six days. THE COUNTRY has tried unsuccessfully to get in touch with the filmmaker, who is recording the series.

In Let yourself go, series focusing on three women who are going through a life crisis, Aina Clotet was going to embody, to Cristina, a woman who takes the pill without you know your husband in the first chapter, and from there, to “reconnect with the sexuality and begins to have adventures,” in the words of Dolera. Celia Freijeiro has been chosen by the filmmaker to replace Clotet. From the producer Movistar+, by now, have not made statements. In his text, Clotet mind that your representative and she met with the platform on the 17th of September, “just the day in which began the filming of the series”. “In this meeting, we presented all the facts that have occurred. The team Movistar+ we moved that did not have any knowledge of the existing problem with the insurance policy for pregnant women, or any of the economic problems and planning given by the production company to turn away from the series. He added that, if known, would dump all his will to try to avoid that this situation happen.”

For her part, Berta Ojea, secretary of Equality of the Union of Actors and Actresses, without having read the statement, says: “We are also investigating. Of entry, we believe in the allegations of the actresses. You have to understand what it costs women to report facts as well, because it comes into play the fear that the industry will turn its back. In Spain, nobody can kick you out of your job for being pregnant”.

check out do not want to mention previous cases, “but since then there has been, and tend to be small companies and that have finished entering reason”. And remember that it is still today goes on, “although the times have changed to the better, there is more to hear, for example, Pilar Bardem to remember terrible times for actresses”. For every case that is known as an actress who has worked pregnant —as Anne Hathaway at Colossal (2016), filmed in her second trimester of pregnancy concealing their curves with the costume and with a lot of care in the action sequences on the part of its director, Nacho Vigalondo; or as Penelope Cruz, starred in Pirates of the Caribbean: on stranger tides (2011), and in some sequences, he used a double to his sister, Monica— “there are other actresses who have had difficulties at work because of your pregnancy”, concludes Ojea.

Manuel Burque, co-writer of the series, also respond by press release

in the first hour of the afternoon, Manuel Burque, co-writer of the series and actor in the movie Dolera Requirements to be a normal person, he objected to Clotet also through a press release: “The first scene of the character of Cris presents a woman who goes to the pharmacy to buy birth control pills distressed because the previous day could not take it. The pharmaceutical recommends that you follow with the normal socket. She takes two that day, to make sure that you do not become pregnant under any circumstances. Don’t you dare to tell your husband that you do not want to have any more children, that she is tired of being a mother. That is to say, is a character whose main engine is not wanting to be pregnant. During the series, exploring their sexuality, moving away each time more from marriage. There are quite a few sex scenes, some quite explicit. When Aina reported his situation created a crisis cabinet to try to adapt the whole plan of shooting it.” According to Burque was attempted, but the possible change of planning involved to dismiss other actors. “We live those moments with a lot of suffering, because of its location and because we are loved as an actress, but in the end it was impossible.” The co-writer describes the female character of the production: “More than half of team leaders are women (some with no experience in fiction), three directors, more than 70% of women’s team, five partners have worked in the filming pregnant […]. And in addition, he fought against wind and tide to be so. […] Leticia knows that the focus on the topic is over your head, how are you going to paste a shot in the foot with such malice?”.