“Are all wrong about the climate – except the Centre party”

“C-tops: It is inconceivable to listen to the Swedish parties in the environmental debate”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. We do not have many years left in us to ensure that we succeed to fight climate change and keep global warming to below 1.5 degrees. The EUROPEAN elections on may 26, is the biggest opportunity that you have to be able to choose a policy that reaches this. “

“unlike the red-green tillväxtfientliga klimatalarmism and the conservatives klimatskepsism driver Life, a climate policy that works, that both can handle the climate threat and make sure our economy is strong.”

“An effective climate change policy requires two things – first, that we, the politicians, dare to be heavy-handed in our climate goals, and that we ensure that all the billions in investment that will be required for us to actually reach our goals. These, mostly private investment, is the most important thing we have in terms of climate change instead of the utspelscirkus that always occurs in the electoral process.”

“Our lofty aims will not mean anything if we don’t see that make the industry, energy production and transports are green. “

“actually, this is a conversion of investment in new machinery, efficiency improvements and new installations. What they have in common is that they cost a lot of money and must be done in the long term. “

“there is No state budget will be able to finance all of this. Therefore, we must see to it that it is private, that is to say, everything from individual people, like you and I, to the huge companies spend their money on solar panels on the roof, a new wind farm or a brand new plant to be able to produce zero carbon steel. We need to know that the money we invest also will be back.”

“We need a climate policy that goes in line with the economy and reality. Therefore, it is inconceivable to listen to the Swedish parties in the miljödebatterna. “

“the green Party and the Left party believe that the decline in the growth rate solves the problems. The social democrats have in the EU context (in billion across Eastern europe rather than to stimulate the green industry is also there. The liberals are pinning all their hopes on a carbon tax that will never get rid of. The sweden democrats does not seem to believe that global warming is real. Only slightly better are the Moderates and the Christian democrats who think that the rest of the world should do the heavy lifting, and just want to talk about nuclear power. A question that generally is not on the EU-level.”

“See you sober on this you understand that all these parties are out, and bikes. “

“When the Centre party on Friday, have our valupptakt for the EUROPEAN elections, we do it with the conviction that Europe needs a green conversion that is in pace with the economy. “

“That greatly increases our climate goals so that we reach net-zero emissions as soon as possible. Who want to get rid of the subsidies to fossil energy, but at the same time provide support for climate innovations. Who want to improve the EU’s trade with emission allowances and making it more expensive to drop out.”

“In the political debate, we will secure both devote ourselves to both the letter and utspelsbingo for that we shall show which party is the most klimatambitiösa. We will hear the ‘climate change deniers’ and klimatalarmister. “

“With the Centre politics of Europe klimatleveranser. Our climate policy is needed in Europe.”

“nFredrick Federley, Mep, and the top candidate in the EU elections (C)nAbir Al-Sahlani, the Second on The list in the EU-valetnEmma Wiesner, three on the Centre party list in the EUROPEAN elections”

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