An extra option would reverse all of it

Small changes in the rates despite the political turmoil

Aftonbladet leader board is independent socialist.

considering that the country has gone through some of the most dramatic few months in our modern history, it is actually not much.

It is not difficult to guess what political commentators and political scientists will say in TELEVISION broadcasts and radio interviews in the next few days. They will say the same things they said the last few months, namely, that an additional elections right now would not change the conditions for Swedish politics very much. The red-green bloc would still be greater than the Alliance. The sweden democrats would still be sitting on enough political force to sabotage all the others.

the Results can be quite dramatic.

Honestly, it is probably not true. Anyone who looks carefully at the numbers and also think a bit of yourself to realize that the outcome of the option very well can be dramatic.

first, the two parties, the Liberals and the Greens, so bad that fyraprocentsspärren are within the margin of error. The christian democrats have a slightly greater margin, but hardly reassuring in an extra option where no for example, can know how big the turnout will be.

There is no Alliance

thirdly, a campaign now in the winter differ from the autumn on a very crucial point. There would not be any Alliance for the electorate to relate to. In fact, it is precisely the collapse of the bourgeois collaboration, which would be the reason if Sweden is forced to an extra option.

What is the impact it would have on voters ‘decisions, or at the parties’ conduct afterwards, we can really only guess. But that fall created a completely new situation is hard to deny.

No, no politician can use today’s poll as an argument for an extra option. Most have more to lose than to win. In addition, the voters ‘ confidence in the political system sink like a stone. There are strong arguments in order to solve the regeringsfrågan. But to assume that a new choice would not influence the conditions in Swedish politics is actually the right person.

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